6. Meeting The T-Rex 🍋

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Kushida POV

After all that had happened today I am now finally alone.

First Tachibana senpai kept on glaring at me, then I had to explain everything to our classmates as Ayanokoji-kun just sneaked away.

Arghh they were so annoying, can't they just shut up and let us have some privacy? If the SCP wanted them to know about our conversation he would've had it in the Class in the first place...

I decided not to think about those pieces of trash anymore as that would just give me a headache.

After walking for some time I finally reached the dorms.

I opened the door and what I saw I definitely won't forget in this life.

Ayanokoji-kun was wearing socks....... Only socks.

I saw his naked body and 'that'.

"Wh-What....H-How is it that big..." Wait that's not the right question... what am I asking!?

I turned around not before unconsciously looking at it once again.

"Sorry you had to see that, I didn't think you'll come back at the exact same time while I'm changing." He said thankfully ignoring my question.

"H-How are you so calm right now?" I asked him.

Even when I was staring at it he didn't change his expression and just let out a heavy sigh. Is he a robot or something, he wasn't embarrased nor was he angry.

I took some fresh clothes to change into and went inside the bathroom.

Kiyo POV

After that weird incident she went inside the bathroom to get changed.

After coming back she didn't look me into the eyes and acted awkwardly, not that I can blame her.

I should've changed in the bathroom... I'll keep that in mind from now on.

"I messaged the president, he and Tachibana senpai will meet us in pallete cafe in 15 minutes." I said to Kushida and we left the room towards Keyaki mall while chatting about some trivial things.

After reaching Pallette cafe I saw the Elder Horikita seated on a table in the middle of the Cafe along with Tachibana senpai.

He raised his hand acknowledging us and we walked to their table.

He sure is enjoying causing all this attention for me huh? Selecting the most popular Cafe and a table just in the center, If I have to end up dealing with Nagumo then I'll make sure to take all of his private points as compensation.

Kushida greeted them as we took our seats.

After ordering some snacks for ourselves we chatted, Kushida asked them if they both are dating but they both denied although I could see that they were both a bit embarrassed, Tachibana senpai a little more than Elder Horikita.

Kushida said that they'll make a good couple and I nodded to that statement causing Tachibana senpai to blush even harder. She faced away from the Elder Horikita but I could see that she was smiling probably thinking about him.

As we were talking I saw Nagumo staring at us from some distance, he was along with a female classmate of his whom I didn't recognize.

After that we left the cafe after paying for our order and rented a Karoke.

When it was my turn to sing both Tachibana senpai and Kushida burst out laughing, even the Elder Horikita was laughing.

Tachibana senpai took a video of Elder Horikita laughing and was watching him with admiration.

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