7. Introduction To The Event.

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Kiyo POV

I wake up to the sound of my alarm.

I was lying down on the couch as I had let Kushida have the bed.

After what we did last night she would want to rest properly so that she doesn't feel sore or exhausted in the morning.

Even though when we did it, we were done in about 15 minutes, it felt like an hour as our bodies collided.

As I thought about last night I felt my weapon harden...

After all the years of living without emotions who knew that sex would be the one thing that'll make me feel them.

Although I don't think I'm much surprised. It was very a very intimate act and I enjoyed it to a high degree.

Now that I think about it aren't Kushida and I a couple now? As this is supposed to be one of the things that only couples are supposed to do.

Ofcourse there are exceptions like when people end up getting drunk and when someone forces the other, but that's clearly different from what happened last night.

Is this just going to be a one time thing? Are we going to go back to normal from now? When I think about it I feel a bit of pain in my chest.

Although I don't think it's possible for things to go back now...

Also she didn't get pregnant right? I just hope she didn't as it would be a major problem if that were to be the case.

It's also not possible for either of us to buy a pregnancy test as that'll be too suspicious of an action for us to take...


I was snapped out of my thoughts as I looked over to the noise I heard.

It was Kushida who had woke up and yawned as she sat on the bed rubbing her eyes.

It would be a lie if I said that I didn't find her actions cute.

As she noticed me she gave me a smile and greeted me.

"Good morning Kiyo."

Hmm? Kiyo... apparently I've been given a nickname. Well it isn't anything embarrassing like Kiyopon so its fine.

"Good morning Kikyo, How are you feeling?" I asked her.

She blushed and looked away for a bit, realising what I'm concerned about.

"I-I'm Fine..." She said while still not making eye contact with me.

I moved closer to her and she finally looked towards me a bit embarrassed.

"I wanted to ask you something, May I?"

She nodded at me and I continued with my question.

"Will you go out with me?" As I asked her what was on my mind she looked at me with a surprised expression. What was she expecting for me to do?

Isn't it only natural to ask her to be my girlfriend after all the things we did?

Of course I wouldn't complain if she reje-


My thoughts were cut off as she answered my question.

She stared at my face probably to check if I was being serious, which I certainly was.

"I see..." Not knowing how to respond that's all I said.

She pouted at my lack of enthusiasm which I found cute. I leaned in towards her until I was just an inch away from her face. She was a bit surprised by my actions but didn't despise them or push me away as I gave her a deep Kiss.

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