Chad is bae

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When I got home I ran up to my room and told my fish everything that happened. He seemed really interested. I think he swam a swim faster when I told him Chad kissed me!

I still can't believe Chad kissed my mouth!!  How super fabulous is that!?! I wonder if he actually has a crush on me.. Maybe he was just trying to go the extra mile with making JayyVon jealous but I don't know. I enjoyed it that's for sure. Maybe when we hangout he will do it again.

I am really excited about life right now. I remember when I used to get bullied by those girls at school I haven't even talked to them in a few days.. I bet they wish they were me. I know I would if I were them, I have to admit I am pretty fab. 

The next morning I had a text. It was from Chad. "Hey" it read. I decided to text back, he answered pretty fast. 

Me: What's up?

Chad: Nothing much, you?

Me: nthing rly, jc. 

Chad: Sounds interesting.. I was wondering if you wanted to come over today and hangout.

Me: Sure!  tht would be gr8 XD

Chad: Cool, I will call you around 3 when I am on my way to pick you up. Does that sound good?

Me: Sounds super cool

I looked at the time. It is 11:00 I have a few hours to get ready. 

I started by taking off my unicorn onsie and getting a pair of black skinny jeans and a plain black t-shirt. For my makeup I just put on a thin layer of eyeliner on my eyelids and mascara. Not being a scene kid kinda sucks because I dont get to dress cool and have amazing makeup but I guess if that is what it will take to teach JayyVon  a lesson it is well worth it! 

When I was all done getting ready I went downstairs to have some breakfast. I had a bowl of Rice Krispies. Then I sat on the couch and watched tv until Chad called me. 

at about 1:55 my phone started to ring, it was Chad. 

"Hey Chad" I said "Hey, I am on my way now." replied. "Okay, see you soon." I said and hung up the phone. 

About 10 minutes later there was a knock at my door. I opened it to find Chad. He looked super duper cute. "Hey, you can come in if you want for a second while I get my shoes on" I said. "Sure" He stepped in. "Did you sleep well?" He asked. "Yeah, I did." I told him. "That's good" He smiled. 

When I was done getting my shoes on we walked out the door and  got into his car. On the ride there we just talked about how we made JayyVon super duper jealous. When we got to his house he opened the door for me and waited until I stepped inside. 

"So what do you want to do?" He asked. "We should watch something on TV" I said. "Okay, I have Netflix so we can watch whatever you want on there" He told me and gave me a half smile when he finished talking. "Okay" I said smiling. We decided to watch iCarly, he has all of the seasons on DVD. After a few episodes we made eye contact by accident. Then he started to lean in getting close to my face which includes my mouth. Finally his mouth met mine and we kissed. There were a bucket full of butterflies, more butterflies than I ever got with JayyVon. Which is super duper surprising because I had the biggest of fancy for him. It was a really good kiss, He is better at kissing than JayyVon is!! My fish is going to be so happy to hear about this! 

We spent the rest of the hangout watching iCarly and.. kissing!! It was such a good time. I wonder if Chad and I will have an actual relationship. What if we get married one day!?!?! omgz that would be so great!!! I love being in love!! it's so amazing. I wish I would have met Chad a long time ago because I really like him. Maybe one day he can meet my fish and we can all hangout!! 

Later when it was time for me to go home, Chad gave me a ride. "We should chill again sometime soon!" Chad said. I nodded " I had a super time today, I would love to hang out again sometime soon." I replied. "text me any time" I said before flashing a smile, he smiled back. His smile made the butterflies come back. I closed the door and walked to the front door of my home. 

I felt sad when I got in the house, I wanted to spend more time with him! I cant wait to hang out with him again! When I got into my room I told my fish all about the kisses and watching iCarly and how I cant wait to see him again, and how he said that he wants to hang out again sometime really soon. I apologized to my fish for not always being home anymore. I felt bad that I wasnt always there to hang out with my fish, But I feel like it's a good thing I have human friends now.. and possibly a new boyfriend!! 

Overall my life is turning out pretty fantastic without JayyVon! I don't even need to pretend that I like Chad anymore because Chad likes me too and one day we will be officially dating!! I can't wait for that day!! 

{Alrighty, tht iz the new chapter!!! I hope u guyz luv it!!!! ^-^ Srry it took so long!! I waz buyz wiff stuff!! Anywayz thx 4 reading!! ily all *rawr*}

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