Part Ayyy

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I am so exited! Tonight is going to be the night ever! Well of course, the night I adopted bubbles was my favourite night ever, but this is going to be an amazing night. I really need to look older for this party, my usual three colours of eye shadow isn't going to do. Tonight I am going to need to look as old as the rest of them. So Instead of my usual three colours of eye shadow, I decided to go with 6, and because there are 6 colours in the rainbow, I decided to make my eyes look like a rainbow. I had done this one other time just to see how it looked on me, I thought it looked great so I guess that's what I will do for tonight. When I finished putting on my eye shadow I put on some black eyeliner and did the cat liner style, and of course some mascara. 

For my outfit I wore BODTF shirt that I had ripped to make it look cooler a while ago, I also wore a black tutu and fishnet leggings, my shoes were 6 inch Heels that I bought not too long ago, They made me look taller and hotter than ever. Before I left I said goodbye to Bubbles the fish and my Mother and Father.

When I got in the car JayyVon said I looked H-to-the-O-to-the-T. I felt my face turn into a tomato again from blushing. When we got to the party the music was so loud I could hear it from inside the car. When we found a place to park the car JayyVon and I walked up to the house holding hands. When we got inside People were looking at us and smiling. For once in my life I didn't feel like most of the world hated me. a guy came up to us and said, "Hey dude! is this that Varonica girl you told me you were dating?" He said. I looked JayyVon, He looked at me with concern in his eyes. I giggled, "My name is Alex! How did you get Veronica from Alex?" I giggled again. "No he said Veronica, Not anything like Alex, it was a long name. "Dude, I broke up with her a long time ago, how many drinks have you had?" JayyVon asked him. "A few " He said. "Exactly" Said JayyVon and we walked away

"want a drink?" He asked. " What is there?" I asked. "How about I surprise you?" Asked JayyVon. I nodded. 

When he got back girls were looking at him and one was following him but when he came to sit beside me she backed off. "Here you are Hottie" He said. 

I took a sip, It tasted kind of like baby sweat.. It was gross, and it burned my throat, But it was also very sweet, and tasteful. 

"Do you like it?" He asked. I nodded even though I had mixed emotions about it. not long after sitting with Jayyvon drinking my alcoholic beverage Dahive showed up and sat in the empty space beside me. "hey" he said to Jeyyvon and I, I smiled, "hey" 

after a While of talking I had finished my drink and Jayyvon had already had already 6.

he got up to get his 7th drink, so I was left alone with Dahvie, which I didn't mind. "Do you actually like him that much?" He asked me. I nodded, "Of course.. Why wouldn't I?" I asked. 

Dahvie looked around, before hesitating to speak. "He isn't the best boyfriend... you could do so much better." He said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "He's perfect I couldnt ask for somebody better" 

"Look, I don't want to hurt your feelings.. But JayyVon is.." Dahvie stopped talking and let out a breath, "You mustn't tell him that I told you this, If you are going to confront him about it tell him that you just figured it out somehow, I don't like how JayyVon acts with girls but he is still my best friend and band mate." He said. I nodded, "I mustn't tell him you told me anything." I told him.

"No, you must pinkie promise." He said, holding out his pinkie. I wrapped my pinkie around his and shook. "Okay, Now tell me" I said. 

"JayyVon is cheating on you, he's cheated on you with a few girls but he is actually dating another girl. Her name is Veronica. I am really sorry, I don't know why he does this. He is famous so I guess he thinks he doesn't have any boundaries.. I don't get it, He is the cheater, and he still gets all the girls I barley get any." he said. 

I didn't know what to think. I didn't understand. "HE HUGGED OTHER GIRLS!?!?" I said angrily. 

"He did a lot more than that, But hes a jerk when it comes to relationships. If you need a friend, you have my number." Dahvie said. 

"I DON'T NEED TO TALK TO YOU!! I HAVE BUBBLES THE GOLDFISH!" I yelled and stomped away. 

I had to find JayyVon, I wanted to take his face and put it in a pumpkin and call him pumpkin face! I ran to the kitchen and found his standing by another girl, not surprising, He was probably planning to hug her later. 

"What is wrong with you?" I asked, acting calm.

"What do you mean, was I supposed to get you another drink?" He asked. 

"No, you weren't, you also weren't supposed to cheat on me" I said, still sounding calm, I wanted to make it sound like I didn't care, like it didn't bother me that much, I wanted him to think that I was going to go home and smile and tell my parents that I had a great time, even though I wouldn't even talk to my parents when I got home, I would go straight upstairs and talk to Bubbles.  

"What are you talking about?" He asked. "I am not cheating on you, what gave you that idea?" He asked. "I put the pieces together and asked around the people at that party and they said that they think you are dating a girl name Veronica, Which is what the dude you talked to at the front door said, I may be unpopular, but I am not dumb." I said. "JayyVon didn't say anything after that. He stood in silence not saying a word. 

After a little while he said "Look at yourself, You are a failure of a scene kid. You don't even look all that scene, Veronica knows how to look scene. She is great, A lot better than you, and she is popular.. What did you think you were just going to become popular? You are a loser. You have no friends, and that is always how it is going to be. I don't know who you thought you were going to fool. You are a little High schooler. I am only dating you because I thought you were a hot tamali. But after a few hangouts I realized that you are not a hot tamali. I don't even want to be your bae. You stink!" He said. 

I was about to break out into waterworks, but than I remembered I didn't want him to care. I giggled. "I was only dating you because you're famous, you aren't even attractive. get over yourself you little pooper" I said and walked away. 

I got back over to where Dahvie was sitting, I sat back down beside him, "Sorry for blowing my top before, I was upset. I was wondering if you could drive me home, I have no idea how to get back and I don't have a car either." I said. 

Dahvie nodded and got up. "Thanks" I said. he nodded. "No problem" 

I don't think I ever want to go to another party ever again. 

{Hope you liked that! It was longer than my other chapters but whatevs. Remember to give this chapter a vote and follow me if you love BODTF! Because I know I do!! *Kisses* :* RAWR! I love you all so much! thank you for reading! :*}

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