ooo hot darn

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*Alex's POV*

 I woke up the next morning to a text from Chad, "Good morning" it read. 

Holy cow!! I think I just peed my pants! He is so hot! I love good morning texts, something JayyVon never did. I messaged back "Good morning:)" 

I got out of bed and brushed my teeth, I also bushed my hair. Next I put on normal people make up and got dressed into normal people clothing. I looked in the mirror, wow I actually look hot today!

 I went downstairs and got myself a bowl of cereal. "Good morning" I said to my mother as I passed her in the kitchen. "Good morning, sweetheart" she replied. I sat down at the dining room table and ate my cereal. 

When I finished my bowl of cereal I turned on the TV and watched Hello Kitty. I was about halfway through a 4th episode when my phone went off, I was getting a phone call. I picked it up and checked who it was. It was Chad!! I felt the butterflies in stomach started to fly around fast. I answered with a "heyy" and smiled even though he couldn't see it. "Hello, Cutie Pie," he replied. "how are you?" 

"I'm fab, how are you?" I responded. "I'm pretty good" He said. "Why did you decide to call me?" I asked with a smile in my voice. "Well, I was calling to ask if you would like to go see a movie with me today." He said. I had to try really hard so I did't scream, I am so excited, of course I wanted to go see a movie!! "Sure! SpongeBob the movie is playing, we could go see that" I suggested. "Sure, he said. I will pick you up at 3 o clock. He said. "Okay, see you soon" I said before I hung up the phone. 

I jumped off of the couch in excitement! I am going on a date with Chad!!! I love going to the movies! and I have been wanting to see SpongeBob really bad AND this is a date with the guy I have a crush on. I love everything right now!! It's a good thing I am not dating JayyVon because if I was I wouldn't even have thought about dating Chad. 

*Dahvie's POV*

I rolled out of my bed and on to the floor, I can't stop thinking about Alex, she is so nice and funny and pretty and just perfect overall. It looked like her and Chad we're really hitting it off at the park too. I know that they were supposed to look like they are dating which would mean that they have to look like they were hitting it off and having an amazing time, but I feel like there was a real connection between them. Maybe I should call Chad and ask him to hang out so I can ask him how he feels about Alex. I picked up my phone and dialed the number. 

"Hello" Chat answered. 'Hey, man, we should hang out today, I am really bored and have nothing to do." I said. "Aw, I'm sorry man, I have plans with Alex, we're going to go see a movie, I have to leave soon to pick her up." He said. 

My stomach ached as he finished his sentence. Of course, they're probably going to date now and I am going to be left here with feelings for her when Chad is my friend and so is Alex. So basically if things work out badly between them I probably wont be able to date her even then because it would be considered being a bad friend.

"Alright, man, that's cool, have fun at the movie, talk to you later." I said. "Bye, dude" he said, and hung up. 

Well, they're going to go see a movie together which means they most likely want each others babies.. I can feel my heart being sat on by Chad. All I want is Alex, she is so fab and I am never going to have a chance with her, she only sees me as a friend and I see her as much more than that. I wish I could date her, but I cant. 

*Chad's POV* 

I got on my jacket, checked my reflection in the mirror to make sure I still looked hot, and walked out the door and to my car. I am excited to see her, although I wish we were going to see something other than SpongeBob the movie, but ladies choice. 

I hate to say that I am going to change her, but hopefully I can get her out of liking dumb scene kid things like little kid shows and movies. I would prefer not to spend the rest of my life watching SpongeBob and Hello Kitty. 

She already looks hot because she's not scene anymore, but she still  needs to change that personality of hers, she is nice and can be funny but I we dont like the same things, I'm sure she will grow out of liking the things she does, and grow into the things I like soon enough.

When I finally reached her house, I got out of my car and walked up to her front porch and knocked on the door. Not even a minute later she opened it and invited me in while she got her shoes on. She looked really hot today, her hair was left down, and she wore black skinny jeans and a plane white t-shirt. "You look nice" I said. "Thank you, so do you" She gave me a smile as she stood up and said. "Let's go" I nodded and opened the door for her. 

*Alex's POV* 

As the end credits rolled up on the screen, I was flabbergasted at how amazing it was!! "That was one of the best movies I've ever seen!!!" I said. Chad gave me a small smile and said "I'm glad you enjoyed it." 

I wondered if we were going to go back to his place or mine or if he was just going to drive me home. I guess I will find out soon. 

We walked out of the theater and he said "Where to now?" I smiled "Up to you, I guess"

"Well, we could go back to my house and hang out for a bit, if you want." He suggested. 

Of course I wanted to go back to his house, I love hanging out with him, and it's not like we got to talk during the movie. 

I smiled "I would love to!!" He nodded and we headed towards his car. 

{haiiiii, i hope u all enjoyed this one!! u guyz r luky i updated so fast!! lolz :* Thx 4 reading!! luv u all :* *Rawr* hehe!!}

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2015 ⏰

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