B-Words Get Stitches.

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That night JayyVon and I basically just made out that night, I don't know if we're dating or not but I really like him. Imagine your first kiss ever being with a member of your favorite band! It was amazing! I've never had a better day in my entire life! Who needs friends when you have JayyVon as your possible boyfriend? When I got home it was almost 11:00 and my parents said that they were worried about me. I told them that I was with someone I met at the concert. Which is VERY true. 

When I got to school I thought about how I could tell Ashley and the others that I met them and JayyVon told me that I was hot and we hung out after the concert right when I walked in the door. But they weren't at my locker when I got there. Maybe they thought about what I said and decided that they are wasting their time always bothering me. By the end of the day Ashley and the others still hadn't bothered me. I actually didn't even see them at all that day. It was kinda nice to not get bothered for a day, I still got the weird looks but it wasn't that bad. 

When I got home I texted JayyVon. 

Me: Hey, Boo. :*

JayyVon: Hey Bae, What's up? :***

Me: I was wondering what you were doing tonight, Maybe we can hang?

JayyVon: I think I am free, I was gonna hangout with Dahvie but I can probably ditch him. How about I will meet you where we met before, and I will take you to my house and we can... hangout. 

Me: That sounds great. ;) 

I felt butterflies in my stomach, I really like him. He is so cute and a really good kisser. I wonder if he feels the same way... I hope so.. 

When I got to the meeting spot JayyVon wasn't there yet. I only had to wait a few minutes before he got there. 

"Hey" He said and then he kissed my cheek. 

"Hey, I missed you bae" I said. He smiled. 

"Well come on lets go to my house." He said. He grabbed my hand and I walked beside him. for a few minutes he was silent, then he started to speak. 

"So, I really like you Alex." He said. there are those gosh-darn things again, the butterflies. I looked down and out hands were still interlocked together. "I like you too" I said. 

"There is only one problem though" He said. Suddenly I felt my heart drop. "You are 18, and I am 23. I am famous and have fans and society wouldn't see that as right" He said. "AGE DOESN'T MATTER" i SAID IN A DEMONIC VOICE, Jayyvon looked taken aback. "I'm sorry I just don't think it matters I don't care what people think. I have had no friends for almost 5 years and I am still alive and I just didn't let it bother me. If you are worried about me getting hated on its too late for that I get bullied every day. I will be perfectly fine." I said. 

JayyVon looked at me with a sympathetic look. " I didn't know you got Bullied. You are way to amazing to get bullied, why didn't you tell me I would have gone to your school and knocked some sense right into those poop bags." He said. "Well they will all be there on Monday" I said. 

He smiled " I will be there" I didn't know what to think of the fact the he was going to go to my school and possibly beat up the people that are mean to me. I hope he doesn't get in to too much trouble. 

"So, If people do start to say mean things about you, you aren't going to break up with me or anything?" He asked. "No way" I said. 

"Then I have a question for you Alex" He said. "What is it?" I asked. 

JayyVon got down on one knee and said: "Alex I don't even know your last name but I do know that I like you a lot, I might even Love you. He said. I couldn't get you off of my mind since I met you. You are great, So will you be my bae?" He asked, then he pulled a rock from behind his back and presented it to me. "Of course I will." I said grabbing the rock. I couldn't help but smell the rock. It smelt amazing. 

When we got to his house I couldn't believe my eyes, it is beautiful. It's the biggest house I have ever seen. I didn't even know this house was in this city and I have lived here my entire life. Wow. His parents weren't home so we basically just made out. 

When I got to school the next day I wondered when JayyVon was going to get here. I also wondered if the girls were going to be at my locker... They were. 

"So did you meet your little loser?" Ashley laughed. "Yes, I did." I said, "I did more then meet them, I'm dating JayyVon" I said.  They all laughed out really had. I smiled because as they were laughing, JayyVon walked up behind them. "She's not lying" He said behind them. They both looked behind them. "How?!" She said, turning back to me. "How did you get a boyfriend, a famous one at that!" She asked.

"She is beautiful, and funny and nice she's a great person. I don't know why you don't like her. You actually probably bug her because you want to be her friend. I am just going to make a quick suggestion, if you bother my bae again, You are REAAALY going to regret it. Got it?" He asked. "Uggggh fine!" Ashley said and then walked away, her friends followed her.

"You know I could probably hook you up with a fan, I could introduce you to all the people you want, Usually people who have the same taste in music get along. Even if that doesn't work you can always make internet friends. Friends from the internet are always the nicest. You just have to be really careful. Don't give out too much information." He said, I have to get going though you probably have to get to class now anyway. Love you BBG" He said then kissed my cheek and walked away. On the way out of the school he ran into Ashley and them again. "Oh yeah and Bitches?" He said to them, and they turned to face him. "Get stitches" He said. walked out.

Having a boyfriend is pretty great. We can protect each other. I love having someone to love. We've only been dating for less then a day but he still means the world to me. In two different ways, in one way he means the world to me because hes my boyfriend and the other way eh is my idol and has helped me through a lot. Maybe life isn't as bad as I thought it was... 

Authors Note: So that was the third chapter, I hope you liked it. What do you think about JayyVon and Alex, I am SOOOOO jealous. She is so lucky. Omg. So anyways I love you all! <3 :* Kisses, have a good day, I am going to go listen to some BOTDF!! Love you, Rawr :*}

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