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JayyVon's POV: 

I walked out of Alex's school like a pro. It was pretty great, I love making people mad. I wish I meant what I said though... It's not like I don't care about Alex, but I just don't care that she has no friends, or that people are mean to her at school. The only reason i actually stood up for her is because I cant have the world judging me because my girlfriend is a loser. I am already going to get judged for dating a girl still in high school. It's barley legal. 

Usually I wouldn't even have gone out with her but she is so hot I had to have her. I couldn't help it. She doesn't seem like so bad of a person. I will probably get real feelings for her if I pretend for long enough, and I am attracted to her but I just wouldn't have thought about her that way if she didn't look like that. 

But its not like she is ever going to find that out, the only people that know are me and Dahvie. 

After Alex is done school I am going to surprise her on her way home. If I am going to fake being a boyfriend I may as well be a good one. But for now I am gonna hangout with Dahvie.

Alex's POV: Nobody bothered be after that for the rest of the day, not even the girls, I didn't get dirty looks or anything nobody made eye contact with me except for this one boy that I have caught looking at me before, only it wasn't a mean look. 

Finally when school ended I got to walk home. I don't really mind the walk home, It's about a 10 minute walk. Which is alright considering some people have to take the bus. Plus walking at least gives me some sort of physical activity. About halfway home I saw something moving in the bushes, A few seconds later a person jumped out scaring the hell out of me "Shit, dude!" I said before realizing it was JayyVon. "Nice to know you're happy to see me" He said, pushing a leaf off of his shoulder. "Hey baby!" I said wrapping my arms around his neck. "How are you darling?" He asked. "I am FABULOUS!" I said, yelling the word 'Fabulous'. I felt so punk rock when I said it. "That's great, are people still bothering you at school?" He asked. "Nope, I even got a look that wasn't a mean look. "Awesome" He said. 

My parents still don't know that I am dating JayyVon and I don't know if I want them to know because they might get mad that I am dating someone so music older than me. I want to wait until we go out for a little longer. I mean I really hope that we stay together for a long time but I don't want to get them all worked up if our relationship isn't even that serious, So I called my mom  and told her that I was going to hangout at my friends house for a bit, I didn't tell them that I was going to be with a boy, Who is my boyfriend. Hehe I am such a rebel. 

When we got to his house I expected us to hehe.. Kiss.. 

But we didn't. We talked for a bit. But maybe an hour later we started to kiss. Hehe! I am so much cooler than I used to be. Now I have a boyfriend and I kiss!!  This is really great. I finally feel wanted by someone other than my mom, and my goldfish. 

When JayyVon and I were hehe.. Kissing started to think about our relationship, and how asked me out the second time we ever hung out, I don't think relationships usually happen that fast from books and movies. But maybe he just knew I was the girl for him. 

After a while I asked JayyVon if we could just talk, he thought that was a good idea. We talked about little things just like our hobbies and stuff, His mostly included hangout out with his friends going to parties and stuff like that, mine included listening to music and going on the internet. His life seemed so much better than mine. I don't know why he wants to go out with me. I am not anything near as great as he is. He could be dating some party girl or something but he wanted to date me.. I wonder why, I mean he could get all of the girls he wanted. 

When I got home my mom asked me if I had fun, "Yea" I told her. "That's awesome Sweetie" She replied. 

I walked up to my room and sat beside my goldfish. His name is Bubbles. I got him a few months ago. He is my best friend. Pretty much my only friend other than JayyVon. But Bubbles knows everything about me, I tell him everything. I love him a lot. He's a really good listener. 

At the dinner table I asked my mom and dad how long they knew each other before they dated. They told me they knew each other for a while but they had been friends and actually talked and hung out for a few months before my dad asked my mom out..

This made me think they JayyVon must really like me a lot, and I like him a lot too. I am really happy were together and we feel the same way about each other. 

After dinner I decided to take JayyVons advice and meet some friends. They might be internet friends but it is better than no friends, and I don't care what he says, Bubbles will always be my best friend. 

It took me a few minutes to decided on a user name for my account I went with the user name 'XXrainbowchickkXX' I think the user name sounds pretty good. 

I followed BOTF and a bunch of fans of blood on the dance floor. Maybe some will follow me back... and if they did would that make us internet friends? 

{Authors Note: I really hope you guys liked this chapter It took me like 2 hours to write like OH EM GEE!! Anyways I love you all. thank you SOOOOO much!!! You guys are amazing! *Kisses* ;* RAWR!}

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