The Plan

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{Authors Note: First off I would like to thank all of you for the 128 reads! This means a lot to me because I like to know that you guys are enjoying something that I work hard on because I really love BODTF and it makes me happy to know you do to! ILY all!!!!!! :* }

"So is this that guy that Jayy hates' house?" I asked. Dahvie nodded. 

"Cool, so what's his name?" 

"His name is Chad. He is actually a pretty good guy, he has always hated Jayy.  You don't have to be awkward I have already talked to him about this He said that he is looking forward to making Jayy mad.

We got out of the car and went to the front door, his house looks way better than Jayy's I wish I lived here. Dahvie rung the bell. a few minutes later an  attractive guy answered the door. I never thought I would see this kind of guy as attractive before. He isn't scene at all. He has brown hair that swooped to the side, he had a nice smile, beautiful grey eyes and a perfect face, which was not covered in makeup.  

"Hey, come on in" He said. Dahvie let me enter first. His house was even nice on the inside. 

"You must be Alex" He said smiling. "Yea," I said. "So should we talk about this plan?" Chad nodded. 

"Yeah, basically we're going to be dating for a little while to make JayyVon jealous. But first there is something that I know about JayyVon that nobody else knows." he said. 

I thought this was weird considering they hated eachother. "How do you know something that no one else knows if you guys hate each other?" I asked.

He smirked, "Well.. there was a time in my life that I regret and I don't even know why this happened.... Buuut Jayy and I used to be best friends. before Jayy and Dahvie even knew each other existed. He wasn't scene when we started being best friends but when he met Dahvie he turned scene. But while I was still friends with him when he was scene he said that he likes girls who aren't scene better than girls who are. So we are going to have to make you look not scene if we really want to make him jealous." 

"That is going to cost money, a lot of it.. I only have clothes that scenes wear. I guess I am going to have to really beg my parents, they usually give me whatever I want." I said. 

Dahvie looked at me and said "You know what, you have had a tough week so I am going to pay for everything, new haircut, new wardrobe, new makeup everything. I have enough money." He said. 

I ran up to him and hugged him "Thank you so much! You are an amazing friend!" I said. 

I was kind of exited I always wanted to get a makeover, not that I don't like my style now, I just love getting my hair done, I've never had my makeup done so I wonder what it will be like, I also love shopping. 

"So for the first few days you're gonna stay scene and we are going to show up in places where Dahvie and Jayy are going to be hanging out and be all cute and couple-like." Said Chad. 

I nodded but then I remembered something "Wait, Dahvie and Jayy are in a fight.." I said. 

"Jayyvon needs me, whenever we fight we is always saying sorry the next day, I am surprised he hasn't even texted me yet... 

Dahvie's POV: 

I drove Alex home, then drove back to my house. I decided that JayyVon and I need to make up soon because I need to make plans with him tonight, so we can start making him jealous.

When I grabbed my phone and called Jayy. "Hello he answered. 

"We are going to hangout at the park by your House tonight okay?" I asked.

"Sure. He said. 

"Okay I gotta go now, bye" I said and hung up. That's that done. 

I hope everything works out, I really want Jayy to see what it's like to get hurt. I know that he has to like her at least a bit.. Who wouldn't? She is the perfect scene girl. But if Chad was serious about him saying that he doesn't like scene girls as much as normal girls he might not. But he tots will after the makeover! I love the way she looks right now, she is perfect.. But I am also very excited to see how she is going to look when she isn't scene. When we are done with making him jealous and when she decides to go scene again I will pay for getting her extensions because she didn't really have that much of a say in all of this so playing for everything is the least I can do. 

Alex's POV: 

When I got home my parents were in the kitchen "Hey, I haven't seen you guys in a while how are you?" I asked. "We are good, How are you? How was the party?" They asked.

"Great, It was a lot of fun!" I lied. 

"So anything new?" My mother asked. 

"Yeah, I am getting a haircut and a new wardrobe everything is going to be different, I am not going to be scene" I said. 

They both looked relived, I don't think they like the way I like to dress.. So I guess this will make them happy, that is two good things about this new change! It is going to make JayyVon want me back even though he wont get be back, and it is going to make my parents happy that I am their idea of normal.

"That is great, I don't want to be mean or anything but your mother and I never thought that you would grow out of that phase" My dad said. 

I had to hide my anger. Why does everyone think that being scene is a phase!?!?! It tots isn't! the only reason I am changing is to make Jayy Jealous! 

"Okay well I have to go up to my room and start sorting through my stuff now" I said running to my room.

When I got up there the first thing I did was feed Bubbles his Favorite food. It is kind of a treat... he has his real food that is really good for him and will help him live longer and his junk food, I feed him that whenever I feel like it. 

I sat beside him and told him all about the plan. Then I put all of my clothes in a box so I could wear them again when I don't have to pretend to be not scene anymore... It took a really long time.

{Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Do you think the plan is going to work? Keep reading to find out!! anyways thank you very much for all of the reads that is #fantastic! *kisses* :*** RAWR!} 

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