The preparation

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"Are you ready for a change?" Dahvie asked when I got in his car. I nodded. "Ready as a turtle!" I said. I was really nervous for a new look but if it is going to make JayyVon realize that he can't just date whoever he wants I am ready.

when we pulled into the parking lot he told me that he gets his hair done here. Dahvie has really nice hair so I got a little less nervous because if they can cut his hair that good than they can do a good job on my beaut hair as well.

"Hey Dahvie!" Said a guy waving scissors around yo get Dahvie's attention. Dahvie smiled and started walking over.

"Is this the hair I will be cutting?" He asked him pointing his sharp-looking scissors in my direction.

Dahvie nodded, "yep"

"But I just have one question," he said "why is she getting a different hairstyle? She he's such nice hair. It is perfect." He said.

I thanked him.

"Well, my ex boyfriend thinks that he can get any girl he wants and he only dated me because he thought I was good-looking and apparently he likes girls with hair that isn't scene better than girls who have scene hair.. So I will probably get extensions when I am ready to put my hair back to the way i like it. I just want to teach him a lesson." I said. He nodded.

"Well, enough chit chat! We have plenty of time for that while I am cutting your hair." He said. "Please, sit." Be said making a gesture to the chair to his right.

I sat down and Dahvie told him what was going to be done with my hair.

I was amazed with the outcome! I looked really nice. Not as nice as usual but I didnt look bad at all. I was expecting to look terrible.

"Thank you very much" I said, dahvie payed and and we left.

"What do you think?" He asked "I don't like it near as much as my other hair but I don't look bad. I think JayyVon is going to be really jealous." I said, Dahvie agreed. 

So are we getting me a new style today as well or is that it for today?" I asked. 

"Well if it is alright with you I was thinking we could go to the mall now and then we could actually make start making him jealous tomorrow. I want to start as soon as possible because this new girl I think is actually digging him and I don't like her. If Jayy is going to date any person I would rather it be you because you are bae and I really think you are swaggy" He said. "Thanks" I smiled. 

When we got to the mall people gave Dahvie some weird looks, he didn't seem to notice. He is probably used to getting looks, he is a celebrity. 

We walked around until we found a store that looked like it had some girly clothes and tried on and bought a bunch of stuff. When we were done Dahvie drove me home. "Thank you for everything, the clothes and the haircut, and the makeup" I said as we pulled into my driveway. "No problem anything for my bae" He said. 

What did he mean by bae!? Did he just say that we are dating!? Does he like me?! I really didn't know what to say so I just smiled and left the car. 

I felt bad for saying nothing after he called me his bae but what else was I supposed to do in this case? I didnt want him to think that he was my bae in case I actually wasn't his bae! Life is so confusing when you're not a scene girl!! 

When I got back into the house my mom and dad were looking at me with big smiles on their faces. "you look wonderful darling, I am so glad you got out of that phase! I was starting to think you would always be like that!" My mother said. 

Of course I have to change my style right when she is starting to believe that being scene isn't a phase. I just decided to pretend that I was actually going to be like this forever, I didn't really feel like telling them that I am only doing this because I want to make a boy jealous of me. They wouldn't like that. 

"Thank you mom, I have to go up to my room and change into my pajamas." I said. "Good idea it's almost midnight!" She said. I was surprised to find out the time. I guess the time ran away from me... Stupid time. 

When I got up to my room the first thing I did was say hello to my fish and told him everything that happened that day. 

I fell asleep thinking about everything that will happen tomorrow. I am really looking forward to seeing JayyVon's reaction to my new look. I wonder if he will ask me out again. Maybe. All I know is that I am not going to take him back after everything that has happened and Dahvie telling me that I am him bae. I don't think I could be JayyVon and Dahvies bae at the same time.. It could tear the band apart! 

{ Sorry this is a shorter chapter.. I have a lot of bodtf fangirling to do! I love you all! *Kisses* Thank you for reading!!! Lets get this hash tag beaut story to 200 reads baeees!! rawr!}

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