⚡Chapter 4 :- ( Tim's Dilema )⚡

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⚡Tim's Pov⚡

" A very important thing that a baby whisperer should know is that he should always be gentle with babies and toddlers " Kelly said and I nodded.

" We will be starting session In three phases , In 1st week we will train you about babies from age 2- 4 that's pre-toddler stage , 2nd week we will train you about toddlers starting from age
4-7 , 3rd week you will be given chance to Interact with babies and toddlers and then we will give you a official Baby Whisperer ID " Bruce said.

" Nice ! " I said.

" Now when your babysitting one keep one thing in mind that babies can only babble or say a few words , It's a stage where they express their needs through their emotions , like If they need a diaper change or they are hungry " Kelly said.

" Babies need constant attention since they are bundle of Joy and full of energy " Bruce said smiling.

" Your going to experience the life of a baby for 1 week which will help you to understand a baby " Kelly said.

" I have to wear these clothes and act like a baby for 1 week ? " I asked.

" Yup , now let's start it shall we ?- "
Bruce said.

" Wait ! what If I have to pee ? " I asked.

" Sweetie that's what your diaper is for , your a baby and babies wear diapers but some babies prefer nakey time but I don't think that would be good - " Kelly said giggling and I blushed.

" Ok ! I gey It but - " I was about to say something when Bruce shushed me with Pacifier.

" It's Just like playing house " Bruce ruffled my hair and I sucked on pacifier.

This ain't bad as I thought....


I looked at bunch of stuff toys and began using them to entertain myself.

Ug...My bladder us full.....

I just let it go since I was wearing a diaper as I felt diaper getting warm.

" I think some is hungry ! let's get something In your tummy " Bruce said picking me up and I let out giggle as he proceeded with baby bottle.

" It's baby milk with little chocolate , it's good " Kelly said smiling as I eagerly began to suckle on sweet milk.

Getting paid for this Job ?  I think it's best Job ever !!!!

" Full...." I said a wrapping my hands around Bruce neck.

" Aw , let's get that bubble out of there " Bruce patted my back and I let out a burp.

" Oops...." I said.

" It's normal thing for babies don't worry " Kelly said and I squirmed aa she popped up the short all's and checked the diaper.

" A little wet but It will hold " I let out yawn and Bruce went to put bottle In the kitchen.

" Thanks I learned a lot today " I said smiling.

" It's just first day Kiddo , now it's tone for nap " Bruce changed my diaper and laid me down inside the crib and pulled the rails  as I stared at ' Moon and sheep ' mobile that hung above this.

" Have nice nap , kiddo " Bruce said pulling soft sheets and I snuggled In with blue teddy bear.

Ah ! feels like heaven....

At Home.....

" Hey kiddo , how was your first day at Job " Dad asked as I got home.

" It was good ! " I said.

" Hey did you smell it ? It smells like baby powder " Landon said sniffing.

" Oh ya...Uh I am hired as part time babysitter by company ! so I just look after babies , that's why It's smelling like baby powder - " I said.

I know It was a lie !! but I couldn't tell them that I was the BABY.

" That's really good sweetie , come on let's go and eat dinner " Mom said and I burped.

" What was that ? " Landon asked.

" Uh...I had chocolate milk on the way
" I said shrugging and they nodded.

At School....

" I am really happy that yoy found a Job " Hazel said.

" Dude what kind of Job you found ?
" Alex asked.

" I am hired as part time babysitter by the company " I said.

" Cool ! " Alex said as we were talking near my locker.

Wait ? did I tell you my locker number is 13 ?
Ha! Screw you number 13 !!!

" Excuse me but is this your locker ? "
Guy wearing police uniform asked.

" Yes it is , but who are you " I asked and Alex gave me a worried look.

" My name Is officer Griff and this is officer Xander , we have got information that drugs are being supplied In your school " Officer Griff said showing his ID.

" - And you think they are In his locker ? that's a bunch of bullshi* "
Alex said defending me.

" We have got Information from our sources and also we have warrant " Officer Xander said.

" Fine you can check but I bet you will
get nothing " I said.

" We will see that " Officer Griff said and I opened the locker when a plastic sealed bag with white stuff fell down.

" What's that ? " Officer Griff said picking It up.

" I..I don't know..." I said as Officer Xander took a big and did a blue strip

" It's cocaine..." Officer Xander said and everyone was shocked.

" It's not mine !! I swear to god !! "
I said.

" Mr Murphy your under arrest In suspicion of having drugs " Officer Griff said.

" I am telling the truth ! " I said.

" Keep your hands behind , you have right to remain silent and you can appoint a lawyer if you want and If not we can give you one " I faced the locker as Officers cuffed me.

" Officer he didn't do It !! Tim would never do drugs " Alex said.

" Yes officer there is some mistake "
Hazel said.

" Let us be the Judge of It  " Officer Griff said leading me out.

" Can I do a call ? " I asked.

" Yes you can " Officer Xander said as we got Into the car and I called Dad..

Dad I am In trouble , need help Asap : Tim.

What have I gotten myself into ?

To Be Continued....


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20 votes 😁.


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