one| welcome to hell

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"Get in, you creep," Luke snarled at a reluctant Ashton, who was pinching the material of his pumpkin costume in revulsion.

"Luke? There is no way I am going to perform in this," Ashton said persistently, his arms folded firmly over the orange textile.

"Can you just get in? We'll only be in view for a little while. We need to look for more crew. And then we'll leave." Luke rolled his eyes, then sneered. "Until then, be like Calum. All cute n' cuddly in the backseat."

Calum heaved, and even Ashton couldn't hold back a chortle. Calum had worn a unicorn onesie (it was formally Luke's- but he'd beg for a trade) and the glitter constantly fell into Calum's eyes. Luke sat at the steering wheel, trying not to giggle as he reclined confidently in his skeleton costume, a black mask bordering his blue eyes.

"I'd rather wear one of 'em traffic cones," Ashton grunted, climbing at last into the passenger seat beside Luke.

"Relax, you're just the drummer. No one'll notice you, anyway." Luke smirked, his eyes twinkling with mischief.


"What too y'all so long?" Michael yelled over the loud music.

"Never mind that," Ashton shook his head. "Do we really need to wear these?"

Michael shrugged, "If you want to." Ashton breathed a sigh of relief, unzipping his pumpkin suit and stepping out of the orange mess, revealing a regular tank top and ripped jeans. Luke immediately did the same, but Calum froze. 

"Um guys..." Calum gulped, his skin becoming the lightest possible shade of white.

"What now?" groaned Luke, folding up his skeleton costume.

"I'm only wearing my boxers!" Calum squeaked, his face turning a crimson red.

After a symphony of facepalms, the four trudged on stage, their souls determined. Whatever was left of it, anyway.


Obviously, tonight they needed some new victims. A couple years ago, they captured a few people. Held them hostage, severally abused them, typical things 5 Seconds of Suicide would do. Somehow, they were never caught. 5cide were sneaky and sly. If you found them, they'd kill you. That's how it works. So when police hear about them on the news, they always assume it wasn't them that killed those certain people. They did know it was them, they just didn't want to get brutally murdered. Tonight was the night that they'd go back to that. 

Calum's brown, mischievous eyes skimmed the crowd as Luke sang his solo in Die Hard. He may have seemed innocent, but he, himself did enjoy a little corruption here and there. His eyes landed on a girl who looked about fourteen, scrolling on her phone. This made him angry. "Why come to a concert if you're going to just go on your phone?" he thought. He added her to the list of people to go in the basement. He nodded towards the body guard, who was also looking at her, signalling to make her go to the basement. Yep, the bodyguards were involved in this to. They threatened to abuse them if the bodyguards didn't join. He escorted her out of the concert, as they all smirked.

Luke was the most evil member of the band/killing gang. If he had to choose someone to hold hostage, it couldn't just be one for him. In a small distance, he saw a man with his girlfriend. His facial expression looked like he was definitely not enjoying the concert. This also made Luke angry. He walked over to the closest bodyguard and said, "That one, with the angry expression." He nodded, before talking to the man and dragging his arm. 

Ashton was extremely picky when it came to victims. To him, all of the innocent people in the crowd looked annoying. Until he saw someone who looked a tiny bit different. He saw a girl who was happily dancing and singing along. Why would he hold a kind girl hostage? You ask. Well, unlike the other three, he didn't care what they were doing. Whether they were hating the performance or loving it, he simply couldn't care less. He just enjoyed killing. He told Luke who he chose and passed it on to the bodyguards.

Michael nervously gulped. Out of all of the boys, it was him who disliked violence the most. He wouldn't show it obviously, because he'd get something worse than a slap- and after all he was the lead singer. The three boys glanced at him, signalling to choose someone. He sighed and just chose someone in the front row. It was a boy who was dancing and laughing with his friends. Michael smiled sadly. He wished he could do that. Ever since he agreed to do this killing thing, the band hadn't been he same as before. The security guard dragged the guy out of the concert. And surprisingly, it was the end of the gig. 

They waved goodbye and ran off of stage. Quickly, they jolted all the way to the basement, where all the victims were. Once they made it, they took a deep breath, before opening the door.

Ashton smirked. "Welcome to hell."


and there you have it; chapter one c: don't worry, we'll get to the killing very soon. we hope you enjoy this, and please don't forget to vote/comment/fan bc we both love hearing everything y'all have to say ((:

i hope you're enjoying 5cide as much as we are x



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