twelve| the kill

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After that night of "drunk" kisses, confessions and rest, the boys were finally bothered to start their next trial. Earlier on, Calum and Ashton went to the desert to see that it was in fact raining. But this meant that the trial was easier.
"Can I have your attention?" called out Luke, through the speaker phone. Everyone was quiet so the boys could explain.
"So, it was raining where we originally wanted this trial to take place-" Luke got interrupted by Michael, who had no idea what was going on.
"Raining, in the desert?!" Michael questioned, unbelievably.
"Michael," Luke groaned and glared.
"Yes, it rained and we're now moving the trial to an abandoned basement which may or may not be haunted. Have fun!" Calum exclaimed.
The crowd huffed and sighed before hopping into the vans. Keira sat at the back because although Michael thought she was drunk, she still couldn't face him. It would be awkward for him but she would've not remembered it if she was actually drunk. She could always fake that she didn't remember it, but there would be tension.
All she wanted was to feel Michael close to her and care for her but she was scared of getting rejected then laughed at. Because who am I kidding? It was Michael Clifford. He could have anyone. Millions of people around the world adored him. If only they knew who he really was and what he was doing...
"You alright?" Michael's Australian accent snapped her out of her thoughts.
"Yeah," she whispered and looked down to fiddle with her hands.
There was one seat free next to Michael; he was driving. He gently grabbed Keira's arm and whispered, "You look really pale. Do you want to sit next to me?" She looked at Michael then at the seat next to his.
"O-okay," she stuttered. She didn't really know why she did that. She was dizzy and when she moved it was worse. She felt dehydrated and mostly numb. Maybe it was because of his nervous Michael made her feel.
She got out of the van and walked to the other side, almost about to fall. But Michael's arm was there. When he let go, she held on to the door for support and got inside. Once everyone else was in, they drove off.
She looked out the window, even though it made her feel even more sicker but at least something was a distraction. She could feel Michael's eyes on her when he should have been focusing on the road.
Finally, they made it outside of the basement and everyone got out of their vans. Michael and Keira got out at the same time. Keira was about to walk off until Michael stopped her.
"You okay?" he asked.
"If I'm being honest, no. But it's fine, I think I'll be okay," I admitted and he nodded then smiled. He walked away with the boys and Keira joined the crowd.
They all stood on the roof of one of their vans. Ashton held a speaker phone in his hands. "Settle down everyone!"
"We will be also joining in on this trial so watch out," snapped Ashton.
Calum took the speaker phone. "Can we all make sure that-"
"Keira!" Keira heard Luke shout before she fell on the floor and everything blacked out.

She woke up to find herself in a bed.
The lights around her were dim and terrifying, and her vision was blurred. She squinted at a dark figure in front of her, and focused on it until she finally made it out to be just Jill.
"Why am I here? What happened?" Keira said, her head still feeling a little woozy.
"You fainted, Keira," Jill said, rolling her eyes. "Honestly, the trial didn't even start and you just collapsed.
"Oh," Keira said, slowly recalling bits and pieces.
"Anyway, my 5 minutes is up. Spent most of it trying to wake you up." She laughed. "The next visitor should be coming in now."
Keira already knew it was Michael, so when he entered, she wasn't surprised.
"Hey," he said, sitting at the edge of her bed. "You...okay?"
"I think," she said, now recalling the kiss.
"Anyway, I came here to give you some good news and bad news." He said. Keira noticed he looked extremely tired, and his eyes were drooping.
He took a deep breath. "I'll start with the good news."
Keira wiggled herself upright and listened attentively, trying her hardest to shove certain memories out of her mind.
"The good news is that one of your predators are dead." Michael said.
Keira perked up excitedly. "Whoa! Really?" Michael nodded slowly. "This is great! This makes it so much easier now. All I have to do is just take down that one guy and aha! I win! Yes! I don't have to worry about a single human then!"

[Earlier that day.....]
Michael knew he couldn't kill him.
But he couldn't ignore those sinister, beyond cruel words that were spoken to him.
"When you're gone? I'll have a feast. You're pretty girl will be on my platter. I'd love that. Too bad you won't be able to see that, though. Can't wait till I get my hands on her. Ooh"
Michael threw a punch at his jaw. The human in front of him laughed once more before breathing his last.
Michael never knew that punch would kill him. But when he saw the human's wristband... there was a flat line. The once vibrant pulse was now a deathly silence.
Michael looked at his surroundings. He looked at the rest of the boys who had soon caught up to him. They all gasped when they saw the body beneath him.
It was silent. Calum was the first to speak. He said, "What have you done?"

[Back to Michael and Keira]
Michael turned away, unable to face Keira now. She was still babbling on about how much this trial will be easier for her. After a while, though, she stopped.
"Wait so...what's the bad news?"
Michael felt hot tears brimming his eyes. He couldn't tell her. Not now--not ever. He sniffed and said, "Um, well the bad news is..."
He couldn't. He wouldn't. He knew it was wrong to hide it from her. But how was he supposed to tell her? How?
He coughed and said again, "The bad news is, um.."
Keira was getting impatient. "Well?" She persisted, her head cocked to the side innocently.
Michael slowly said, "The bad news is that, well...the human wasn't Jordan."
Keira frowned. "That's it?"
He gulped. "Yeah. That is all."
He got up to leave. Keira nodded her head, believing him--but that soon changed.
It changed when she saw a bold human brand on the side of his neck.

dun dun DUN anyway i'm so sorry for the late update! Rashida sent me the chapter early but I had exams and Civil War to focus on :( sorrrrryyyyy.
I do hope, however, that this killed ending makes up for the late update??? :D i'm expecting too much ahahahahah anyways im still very sorry.
Have any of you watched Civil War yet or are planning too? Which team are you on? Tell me! I'm on #TeamCap by the way because bUCKYYYYY ❤️
Anyways, if you like this chapter then you know the drill (: Like, comment, and share it if you love it and love us!
Us x

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