six| trial one

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The next day, the food chain began.
"I want all the producers on my left, consumers on my right, and the rest to stand at the far end of the room."
The crowd busily scrambled to and fro to their respective places and waited for the next instruction.
"From a study we've taken over the previous years, approximately 10 of you will get killed in the first round." Ashton stated monotonously, like he'd done this speech a million times before. "There are about a hundred of you here, including the champions from last year. Producers, you are vegetarian from now on. You will eat grass and so will the other consumers whose animal is a herbivore. You are not allowed to kill anyone. If you do, even in defence of yourself, your energy levels will go lower and eventually, you'll be unfit to continue. Do I make myself clear?"
The producers and consumers nodded, and one groaned about being a vegetarian.
"Predators and prey in the back, you will begin your killing. You are only allowed to kill whoever your animal usually preys on. If you are a lion, and you accidentally kill someone with the grass seal, that person would have died in vain. That, too, makes your energy levels reduce and you know what happens after that. Be very careful about who you choose to eat, and don't kill too many people in a day. That may result in you not getting enough food for the rest of your time here.
"I guess that's it. You can follow Michael into the gear room to get changed. Among your gear, you will be given a wristband in which we will be checking your vital signs and energy levels. You will be killing with your bare hands. But don't worry: the boys placed a little energy boost into your breakfast this morning. It'll give you all the strength and characteristics your animal requires, that can't be obtained from your seal."
Keira subconsciously rolled a tongue over her teeth to check if she had already grown fangs. Thankfully, she hadn't.
The crowd moved into the gear room, and Keira passed Michael along the way. She gave him a smile and Michael gave a slight nod in return.

When Keira was in the room, she found a rack of black clothing lined with luminous, yellow stripes. She took her size and changed into it in the dressing room. Knowing that she would probably get sweaty, the tied her hair into a high ponytail, scrunching the ends a little. She applied some light makeup and looked at herself in the mirror.
You're gonna kill someone today,she told herself worryingly. Breathe.
She put on her wristband and, on the way out, was stopped by Michael.
"You do know who your enemy is, right?" Michael asked. "Your predator?"
"I don't know, a lion?" She knew she sounded dumb.
"They're from the same family, idiot." Michael smirked.
"Oh," Keira frowned. "I don't really know actually."
"You're kidding me, right?" Michael's eyes widened. "You're going into a battle and you haven't done your research?"
"You guys took away my phone."
"But you're a tiger. Have you not seen those 'Save the tiger' campaigns? Who is usually the predator?"
Keira thought about it for a while, and then gasped. "Humans?"
"So there's a human after me?"
"What the-"
Michael clasped his hand over Keira's mouth. "Shh. No swearing in the basement."
"Is this some kind of joke?" Keira yelled. "You're required to kill people but you can't fricken swear? What's wrong with this killing society? Look Michael, if you're gonna make a killing group at least make some decent rules."
Michael shrugged. "I didn't make 'em."
Keira grumbled for a moment, and then shrieked. "Is this the part where you tell me you're actually a human in disguise?"
"What? No," Michael frowned, and pointed at his neck."I'm a shark. See? Nothing to worry about, care-bear."
Keira deadpanned. That was the nickname her parents had given her.
"Oh, you've got to go now I think," Michael said quickly, seeing the look on her face. "Good luck."
"Uh, thanks." Keira muttered, still in daze.
"Oh and, Keira?"
Keira whipped around. "Yes?"
"You look nice."
Keira walked away, even more disorientated.


"They're doing good," Ashton said and nodded. They were watching how the whole thing was going, from a mountain nearby, on a laptop.
"Yes, very," Michael nodded. Luke raised his eyebrows and shook his head.
"Michael, cut it out, we all know you're in love," Luke rolled his eyes.
"Um, with who? That lunch lady from Year 11? Because yeah, she was-" Calum cut him off before he could finish.
"Aha! So you're not denying that you're in love with someone. No, you nitwit, you're in love with someone now!" shouted Calum and smacked the back of Michael's head.
"Ow! And no, I am not in love with anyone!" he shouted.
"Michael, who were you talking to before the games?" teased Ashton.
"Keira," he mumbled, looking down.
"Did you need to?" asked Luke, smirking. That smirk came from hell.
"No," he mumbled.
"See! We knew you liked her." Calum squealed, like a young schoolgirl.
"Who?" Michael batted his eyelashes. "The lunch lady?"
"That lunch lady can suck my-" Ashton began but Michael interrupted.
"Alright! I like her but I'm not so sure if I love her," the other three gasped as Michael admitted this.
"Don't hate me," he warned.
"Dude, we'll never hate you for liking a girl. As long as you guys don't go out then that's fine," Luke said and patted his back.
Michael nodded while thinking. "Why didn't they want me to ask her out? Is it because they can't find a girl?" he thought.
Whatever problem the boys had with Michael liking Keira, he didn't care because he could never stop liking her, now that he'd started.

Omg don't worry it gets better as you go along deeper into the story!!!
If you haven't noticed, Keira doesn't like Michael back in that way (well at least, not yet) SO PLEASE BE PATIENT 😁
We don't want them to fall in love too quickly;) we also want to concentrate a little more on the food chain and the other boys too, not so much on the romance side of this ((:
Also, if any of you have any book covers, trailers, or edits, please send them to @liam5sos or me 😊 we'll post them with the new chapters!

Please give us a pretty lil vote and a pretty lil comment. We're also in the Wattys! Please support us through and through and I guarantee you that 5cide will be as great as ever (yayy!) . love you loads, beautiful people xoxo stay hot!


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