eight| trampoline trouble

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(A/N: before you read this chapter, I'd like to let you that i got the results to my science finals, and, you know where i made a mistake? The food chain. I drew it backwards. You can all kill me now)
"Where am I?" She said groggily, and then realised Michael. "Who are you? Why are you carrying me?"
Keira had woken up to the feel of herself moving. She realised that Michael was carrying her (with much difficulty), back to the dorms.
"Geez woman, are you always this heavy?" Michael rolled his eyes. "Are you conscious enough to walk yourself back?"
"Yes, yes," Keira said quickly and stood up. Michael stopped to take a breather, and Keira went ahead of him. No one else was walking back to the dorms-- had she really slept that long?
The other 5cide boys weren't around either. In the distance, she could see the basements lights turn off, one by one.

Keira pulled over the covers, tears brimming her eyes. Where were her family right now? She wondered sadly. She always grew up with the idea that moving away from your parents was the worst possible thing you could do. She was only 17, and she knew that being missing for more than 24 hours, her parents would only expect the worst.
She turned over to gaze at her family portrait she'd kept in her pocket. She was an only child. They were all on a holiday at the Bahamas, Keira wearing a hat, sunglasses and a swimsuit. Her mother was laughing at her for getting sand blown all over her arms. Her father was half-buried in the sand, holding Keira's left leg and her mother's right leg, smiling in the middle like he had just won the lottery. Keira missed them more than ever.
Just when she was about to go to sleep, the lamp in her tent relighted.
"Psst," came a voice. "We're going for some sport...wanna come?"
Keira smiled. It was Jillian, looking over Keira with her beady eyes.
"What sport?" Keira asked, sitting up straight and rubbing her eyes.
Jillian grinned from ear to ear. "You're gonna love it."

Keira pulled on an Adidas sweatshirt that she had found in the dressing rooms, along with a pair of baggy shorts. When she went outside, a whole group had already gathered, with Jillian standing in the midst of them.
"Hey! You're done. We can go now." She smiled, ushering Keira and the others out the basement door.
Keira waited a while and pulled Jillian to the side. "Are you sure this is allowed?"
"Of course! Joe and a couple of guys did it a lot last year. It's completely fine. We got permission." She assured.
In the crowd, Keira spotted Jordan and made her way to him. "Do you have any idea where we're going?"
"Eh, they change the location every year," He shrugged, and then smiled. "Don't worry, though. It's usually a good place. They haven't let me down so far."
Keira followed behind, with a little knife in her back pocket she didn't remember putting in.

"Ah, here it is," Jillian sighed. "Used to love this place when I was a kid."
It didn't take long for Keira to notice that this was a trampoline park. She looked around in awe, watching Jillian and a few other guys bribe the man at the register. Soon, the man left, leaving Jillian the key.
"You bought the whole freakin park?" Keira yelled, shocked but also amazed.
"We didn't buy it," Jill shook her head. "We rented it for the occasion. We also gave him a voucher to this really nice pub downtown."
Keira didn't know what to say. She wasn't used to bribery, but then again, she wasn't used to getting kidnapped and smuggled into a basement either.

Later on...

Laughs and smiles were shared amongst the crowds of joyful people, bouncing about on the trampolines. Keira climbed off the highest trampoline and was about to go get a cone of ice cream, until her name was called.
"Oi!" shouted Joe, strapping himself onto the safety jacket of the trampoline.
"Oh. Hey, Joe," she turned around and waved.
"I saw your score...Pretty good. Not good enough. I will beat you, just you wait..." He sneakily said, then started jumping up and down.
"Whatever you say," she laughed and walked away.
She turned around only to bump, well crash her shoulder, into Jordan. She fell on the floor and scraped her shoulder. She took this opportunity, while she was in pain, to notice how good looking Jordan actually was. He wore dark, blue jeans and a white t-shirt lazily.
"Oh my gosh, Keira, sorry!" he apologised.
"Don't worry," she shrugged, rubbing her shoulder.
"No, you've hurt yourself. There's a first aid kit over there, c'mon," he instructed, gently holding her back and guiding her back.
She sat on the bench, while Jordan sorted out the first aid kit. He pulled back her t-shirt a little bit and saw her small injury.
"You've cut your shoulder, whoops," he announced. "Here, let's clean it up and I'll put a plaster on."
He wiped the dirt off of her shoulder and added a plaster, as Keira cringed at the pain.
"Thanks, Jordan. Means a lot," she thanked.
"Nah, I had to do it. After I accidentally pushed you," he laughed.
"Well, you want to go get some ice cream? I really want chocolate ice cream now," she asked. Jordan didn't say anything, he just stared at her.
"I mean it doesn't have to be chocolate, it could be vanilla or-" he cut her off, by putting a finger on her lips and walked closer to her.
"You look really beautiful today," he randomly said, holding her closer to him.
"Thank you, um, I should go and see Jill," she said, letting go from his grasp. He immediately chased after her and held her even closer.
Then, out of nowhere, he put his lips against hers.
Now she felt extremely uncomfortable. She just wanted to go home and cry. Because she didn't want this to turn into something she didn't want, she tried to push away. But no, he wouldn't budge. She grabbed for the knife in her pocket but before she could, she heard Joe.
"Jordan! Stop it!"
Jordan pulled away and looked at the crowd in front of him. Joe grabbed him by the collar of this t-shirt and said, "Leave. Now." Jordan scurried off, while Keira remained corrupted.
"Keira, hey, are you alright?" he asked.
"Yeah, I just, um, I should go," she said, trying not to cry.
She slowly walked back to her dorm, a few tears falling now and again. She walked in and slammed the door. She decided to sleep it off, she'll soon forget. But now, everyone will know. It will look like she was in a relationship, which was against the rules. She might get killed if the 5cide boys find out.

Next day..

Michael walked the halls of the dorms, to check if everything was going okay. He walked and walked and walked, until he got almost to the end. As he passed certain dorms, he heard people talking (the dorms were thin enough) about, "Jordan forcing Keira."
At first, he was confused. He wasn't fond of Jordan. He thought he was sketchy. Then he saw that Keira and Jordan were quite good friends. And then he put the pieces together, like a lego house. Jordan forced Keira into kissing him.
Although it was just a kiss, Michael felt furious as he knew that Jordan made her feel uncomfortable. If Joe didn't see, it could've turned into something certainly more serious.
Michael banged on Jordan's dorm door. No answer. That's it. Michael slammed the door open with his fist and saw Jordan standing up.
"Hey man, that's not cool," Jordan said.
"Does it look like I care? What's not cool, is you, kissing Keira!" Michael shouted.
"Mate, she enjoyed it," Jordan smirked after he made that remark.
Michael clenched his jaw and pushed Jordan against the wall, holding his neck, forcefully.
"I'm on the verge of killing you. If you ever touch Keira like that ever again, that will be the end of you. You hear me?!" Michael shouted and Jordan vigorously nodded, practically begging Michael to let him go. Michael dropped him on the floor and walked out of the now non-existent door.
Michael knocked on Keira's door and she opened it with a surprised face. Michael walked in, without permission.
"Michael, hi..." she greeted him.
Michael turned around and pulled up his leather jacket. "I know what happened," he bluntly said.
Keira was speechless but after a while, she managed to say something.
"Look, I know it looks like I went against the rules, but I really didn't," she explained.
"Oh, it's not the rules I care about," Michael sighed. "You were so stupid, why didn't you pushed away? Why didn't you use the knife in your back pocket?"
"I-I was about to but then-" Keira stammered. "Wait, how did you know about the knife?"
Michael ignored her question, but while rubbing his temples, continued on to say:
"Why can't you just look in front of you sometimes? You don't understand how mad it makes me to see Jordan and you together,"
"But, Michael-"
"I like y-you know what? Don't worry. Forget I even came here. Sorry to bother, have a nice night," he said and walked to the door.
"You too," Keira said, confused. He walked out and she wondered what he was on about.
It was weird that he didn't even care about the rules. Heck, the whole thing was weird. Strange, Keira thought and climbed underneath her covers and let sleep takeover her.

A/N: if you're still thinking about my food chain after reading this chapter---i hate you. I'm kidding. I love you all. And i bet I'd love you even more if you comment, vote, and share this with your friends! Spread the word!
Us 🌸

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