four| dilemma

139 11 5

( a/n: here's that double update. prepare to get the feels )

When the boys were done explaining the house rules, the crowd dispersed into the basement where the bedrooms were. Keira ran up to Michael before he had the chance to leave.

"Excuse me," she said. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"No." he simply stated, and went ahead of her into the basement. Soon, she had lost sight of him in the crowd.

"Great," Keira thought to herself. "Another boy you amazingly managed to talk to." She, too, walked into the basement, the crowd violently pushing her small figure from side to side.

When she reached, she saw that the cemented basement had smaller tents stored in it. She lost sight of Michael, who had probably gone to get some shut eye. She was looking for an available tent when a boy, who was a year or two older than her, tapped on her shoulder.

"Hey," he smiled. "I'm Jordan Kent. You are..?"

"Keira, nice to meet you," she shook his hand.

"Are you lost?" Jordan asked. "I've been here a few good years and I still can't really find my way around. Never mind, though. If you're looking for a room, or the kitchen, I can help?"

"That's nice of you to offer," and she wanted to add, "But I'm actually looking for Michael?"

Instead she asked, "Are there any available rooms around?"

He grinned. "Right this way." He led her to one of the tents when they bumped into Michael.

Michael looked at her, and then at Jordan, and then back at her again. "I see you've forgotten the rules we mentioned earlier?"

"Huh?" Keira's eyes grew wide. "Oh no we're not- I mean- Jordan's a really good friend."

"So you know him," Michael inspected, and slowly nodded.

"We just met actually." Jordan laughed nervously.

Michael smiled. "Nothing going on, I hope? You know the rules."

"Yes, sir," Jordan nodded vigorously. "Keira will remain a friend."

"Good," he said, and he was off.

Keira rolled her eyes, and Jordan laughed. "Relax. Michael's just not too good with the relationship thing. I think it's like the seventh time he told me that in this week alone."

He showed her a room, which Keira thought looked quite comfortable. "So, here is where you'll be staying for the rest of your life. You can put up some old family pictures if you want. Don't worry; you'll be meeting them in a better place. Remember? The dead are usually the lucky."

Keira's head dropped at the thought of never seeing them again. She wondered what they were doing now.


The Police Station, 3 am.

"How can you not know where she is?" Mrs. Maxwell cried.

"Miss, we are doing everything we can." The officer assured her.

Mr. Maxwell wrapped his arm around his wailing wife. "It's okay, honey. They'll find her soon."

"I want her back now!" The lady yelled through her tears. "I want my baby back! Oh gosh, she's just 17 imagine all the things that could happen to her."

She sobbed heartily, and even her husband's soothing words weren't enough to console her.

All of a sudden, she stood up and grabbed the police officer by his collar. "I swear, if you don't return my daughter I will rip your entire squad to shreds. She's never done anything wrong in her entire life, my Keira. She doesn't deserve this. You better find her before they do things to her! I know what this world is capable of doing, officer, and I know damn well you know it too." And with that, she left. Her husband ran after her in a hurry.

The phone on the office desk rang. The officer picked it up quickly. "LA PD, what's your emergency?"

"Are they gone?" a voice rang angrily from the other side.

"Just left." He smiled, recognizing the voice. "Don't worry sir, I haven't said a word."

"Good." The caller grinned. "See to it that they don't find out anytime soon? At least not before we kill them, of course."

"Your wish is my command, sir," the officer nodded, and hung up.

From a few miles away, at the basement, Luke put down the phone too and smiled with mere satisfaction to himself.

Keira's mother came back and slapped one of the police officer's right around the head. "What do you want, lady?!" he screamed.

Meanwhile, with the 5cide boys...

"Michael, I don't know. What do you want me to do?" whispered Ashton. Ashton wasn't the best at keeping quiet. Michael decided that Ashton wasn't the best to tell a secret to. So he went to Calum instead.

"Ah, Michael. Come join me," said Calum and pretended he was a therapist. Calum instructed Michael to lie down on the bed. While Calum sat on a chair, listening to Michael's thoughts.

"Now, what is it?" he asked, softly. Michael looked a tad bit scared. No wonder why Calum wasn't the most open.

"Well um, you see it's-it's uh-" Calum cut Michael off before he could stutter anymore.

"If you don't know how to say it, just whisper it," whispered Calum, as an example. Michael when closer to his ear and half muttered and half whispered his secret.

"So you want to kill Keira? Why?" asked Cal, confusedly.

"She's just a bit nosy," lied Michael. When really, Michael wanted to say multiple reasons. How she was always there, how curious she was and Michael couldn't stop thinking about her. Even if he did say that, Calum wouldn't really agree. He wasn't the one to kill people for random reasons, although he was supposed to.

"Hm, I don't know. Give it time, Michael. Give it time," said Calum. Michael didn't really know what, "give it time," was. He hoped it was something...good?

"What do you mean, 'give it time?'" he asked,

"You'll see, Michael. You'll see," said Calum, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Why do you keep repeating the sentence?" asked Michael.

"I don't know, Michael. I don't know," said Calum. He sighed, realising he had done it again. He shooed Michael out of the room so he could, "gather up his thoughts," as he said.

Michael decided that Luke was probably one of the most mature ones in this situation. He went to him and told him his dilemma.

"Luke...I-I wanna kill Keira," he mumbled, loud enough so he could hear.

Luke sighed. "Michael, I would let you, but Ash and I have decided that no killing until and after the food web," he said.

"You know what, you're right. I'll just have to cope for now," said Michael, holding his head.

"Besides, we're going to kill her parents soon," smirked Luke.

Michael smirked along too, thinking it was a good idea. But was it really the right choice? Killing a girl he had feelings for?


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