five| the zoo

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5cide// five.

"Get it together, man"
"She'll never like you back anyway. You kill for a living"
"You just met her. She could turn out to be just like everyone else"
"If Luke or any of the boys find out, you'll be dead in minutes"
"You're breaking the rules"
Michael's head was boggling with a million thoughts; all of which were against his sudden attraction towards Keira. What could he do? He couldn't tell the boys. He most definitely couldn't tell her. Telling anyone would mean suicide- no pun intended.
Realising his thoughts weren't leading him anywhere, he stepped outside the basement and walked to the nearest pub. It had been awhile since he had a drink. He needed one now.
The bartender greeted him. He was fit, with an armful of tattoos, and wasn't that bad-looking. Michael wondered if Keira would like him if she saw him. For a moment, he felt jealous.
"What can I get you?" The bartender asked, mixing someone else's drink.
"A shot of tequila, thanks."
"Ooh," the bartender laughed. "Rough night?"
"Yes," Michael answered, and then paused for a moment. "How does one get a girl?"
The bartender poured tequila into a shot glass and handed it over to him. "I wouldn't know. Had the same girl for a good 4 years now."
Michael felt a little relieved. "How did you get her, then?"
The bartender wiped his hands on a cloth and folded his arms on the counter. "You see, bro, women are confusing. They want a gentleman but when you become just that, they say you're trying too hard. When girls want something, you give it to them and they suddenly don't feel the need of it anymore. All girls are the same."
"And your point is?.."
"Don't try too hard. Keep it cool and casual; make her think you're interested in someone else. That's when she'll want your undivided attention...and that's when you give it to her."
Michael took the shot quickly and felt a little sick. Maybe drinking was not the best idea.
"Um," Michael choked. "I have to go..home right now. Can I have the bill?"
"Sure buddy," the bartender nodded and wrote one out, handing it to him.
"Bye," Michael smiled. "Thanks for the advice, I guess."
"Anytime," the bartender waved him off. "And oh, good luck with your girl."
I'll need all the luck I can get, Michael sighed. Despondent, he walked back to the basement.
The next day, Michael was as casual as ever. He didn't even mutter a quick "hello" and pretended she didn't even exist. Indeed, he was proud of himself. However, there was just one thing, or rather one person, standing in the way of him accomplishing that.
He saw the way he spoke to Keira, and the way he placed his hand on her back from time to time. Michael didn't know what to say. "Back off, she's mine?" Never.
He kept his gazed fixed on her throughout the morning. She really was beautiful. The way her blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders; the way she giggled while she spoke; her crisp accent that Michael never knew he would grow to adore. Keira caught him staring once, and he looked up as if the trees were suddenly the greatest creation known to humankind. He could've sworn he saw her smile after that.
Definitely, obviously, he had fallen for her. Hard. And he didn't even know what love was.
The next morning...

"Gather round, gather round!" screeched Ashton, with his thick Aussie accent.
The crowd of people stopped chattering amongst themselves and turned to face the four boys in the dusty, but menacing basement.
"Today is the first day of training," Luke pauses to see if anyone cheered. No one. Awkward. "There are four groups and each of us will be a mentor for them. Think of us as a guide."
"This time we're going to go to the zoo! Yes!" Luke cheered. He turned around to the boys. "C'mon, cheer!"
"Yes! Woo! Enthusiasm! Zoo's!" cheered Calum.
Although Luke was the definition of evil sometimes, he did have a heart and he did want this to be somewhat fun for everyone. He knew that being taken away from family and the place you grew up in was a hard time; it happened to him. But that story for another time.
"So the point of it is so you can feel some type of....emotional connection with your animal. There are two animals. You and the animal. Because you are the animal. Think of the animal as another you, but mentally," that was probably the most weirdest thing Michael had ever said.
He was talking about emotions and connections. Oh no, could it
A coach pulled up on the side. Calum looked out of the window and decided that it was time to go.
"We've arranged a coach so when you get there (if you walked) you won't be as tired. Please line up in front of Ashton to go on the bus. Ash, you lead 'em out," ordered Luke. The other three boys got on the bus.
"Keep it single file!" shouted Ashton, while tripping over the curb.
One by one they got on the bus and sat in their seats. Everyone stayed completely silent as the boys chatted until Michael noticed this. "Have a chat if you want," he said and shrugged.
He was about to sit down until he saw Keira sat right behind Calum and Ashton, on her own. Michael was going to sit next to Luke but now, it was his chance.
"Um Luke, I'm just gonna go sit with her, you know, telling the rules and such," lied Michael and coughed awkwardly.
"Dude, chill. I know you like her," Luke shrugged. Michael gulped.
"You do?" Michael asked nervously.
"Yes and it's fine. She's cool. The other two might be angry, so I don't plan on telling them. But if you are going to be in a relationship, don't be too open about it," Luke blurted. Michael was speechless and nodded.
Luke Hemmings, the meanest one of all, knew that Michael liked Keira?
Michael let a breath of air out and he went and sat next to Keira. She knew he was there but she just carried on looking out the window.
"Hey," he greeted. Wow, great flirting, Mike! he thought.
She looked over at him then back at the window. She didn't want to be friends with any of the boys.
"So uh, what is your um, what's your favourite thing to do?" he asked. He rolled his eyes at himself when she wasn't looking.
"Well, my favourite thing to do was spend time with family, but then this happened so..." she trailed off.
It was clear she didn't really like the time.
He sighed and went back over to Luke. He looked out the window and ignored everyone.
Once they got off the bus, everyone was fascinated. There were random peacocks running loose, ice cream parlours, Cubs, flamingos and loads more! Everyone was just in this big crowd and it got a little hectic.
"We're going to put you in your groups now. So there's eight in each group, thirty two all together. Let's start off with my group!" shouted Calum.
"Maisie, Brooklyn, Alfie, Joe, Rashida, Leah, Melany and Kali! If you're in my group, let's go!" he said, with eight people following him like lost puppies.
"Now for my group. Joe, Louise, Oli, Katy, Harry, Shekinah, Lucy and Julianne! Gather round," said Ashton and trotted on in front of the group, while proceeding to go wherever they needed to go.
"Group Luke! We have: Sarah, Helen, Safire, Carmen, Ava, Britney, Ryan and Kara."
"And lastly, for my group: Meredith, Kyra, Georgia, Olivia, Nikki, Joel...Jordan and...Keira," he said Jordan and Keira's name very slowly. This is going to be one crazy day...


"This is a white tiger. Now I know only one of you are a white tiger in this group so I'm just going to get this part done and over with. Keira, just be gentle with the tiger, please," he said, gesturing his head to the slow tiger.
Keira moved a couple steps forward. The tiger retreated and snarled, almost as scared as she was. She knew she definitely couldn't do it. Because it could attack her. She knew the boys didn't care because heck, they wanted everyone dead!
"I...I can't." Several gasps were heard after she said that.
"C'mon, sure you can, follow my lead," he said, stepping out to the tiger. She followed his footsteps and made sure she didn't trip.
"Now just, feel it's fur," he said, touching the White tiger's fur, lightly. She put her hands behind her back not wanting to do it.
Michael stuck out his hand and she took it after a couple seconds. He used her hand to pet the animal, like he did. She gasped. Michael wasn't joking. She really did feel the connection between her and the tiger.
The tiger purred into the cup of her hands. So much for a scary animal. Keira giggled as the tiger rolled over and practically begged her to stroke it's belly.
"See?" Michael smiled. "They're  not so bad, right? "
Keira realised that her hand was still in Michael's and pulled away quickly; walking towards the rest of the group like nothing happened.
Michael stood there, dumbfounded.
Way to go Mikey, he thought . You really out did yourself.

Michael heard a knock on his door. "Come in!" he screeched.
"H-hey, Michael. Um, thanks for helping me today," she nervously thanked.
"Uh, no problem, I'm always here to help." he said and shrugged.
Maybe no feelings for Keira then but how about now?
Sooo yayyy if you're not already getting the #MeiraFeels than you should in the next few chapters
Til' then, hang in there ❤️
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We looove youuu and thanks for the lovely comments in all the previous chapters x,

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