two| white tiger

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Keira's sleep was interrupted by the 5cide boys noisily entering the basement. Keira had suddenly slept off as she preferred to die in her sleep. It's easier that way. Sure, she'd heard about the 5cide boys, but it never actually sunk in. She thought those were just things people spread around when they got bored.
"Are you asleep?!" Someone beside her scoffed.
"Not anymore," she grumbled and moved to an upright position. She looked around, noticing the change of environment. "Where are we?"
"Welcome to the Hotel California," some boys sang and snickered, a mortified expression drawn on Keira's pale face.
"Shut it, boys." Ashton rolled his eyes, and then yelled. "Everybody up! Make three rows in front of me! It's time to get branded."
Keira's head was spinning wildly, but she daren't disobey. First she'd gone to a concert, dancing and singing along to her favourite band, and now she was in a mangy-looking basement. What more could happen? Keira didn't want to know.
A man, who looked like he was in his late-40s, staggered up to the boys. "Please..." He begged. "I have a beautiful family at home. I will give you money if that's what you want. Just-please- let me go."
Luke smirked evilly."I'm sure your family won't mind some delays..." and in a split second, he pulled out a gun and shot the man in the leg. A blood-curling scream bounced off the walls.
Keira's eyes shot wide open, panting heavily, sweat running down the sides of her forehead. It had all been a terrible dream, right? Wrong. When she awoke, the first thing she saw was the 5cide boys standing on a wooden ledge, a megaphone in Ashton's hand.
"Everybody up! Make three rows in front of me! It's time to get branded." Ashton yelled above the noise.
Oh no, Keira thought in horror. It's happening. Her first instinct was to tell the man who was about to protest that he shouldn't do what he was about to do. 'You can't change the future' her mum used to tell her. Well, the least she could do was try.
Suddenly, the same man walked up to the four. "Please..." He started. Keira wanted to do something
The man finished his plead, and Luke raised the gun. All of a sudden, from a tiny corner of the room, a voice shouted "Don't!" Keira looked around, and the people around her looked back. The 5cide boys glared from a distance. The voice was hers.
"I'm sorry," Calum asked as politely as possible."Is there a problem?" The boys snickered. Michael remained silent.
"Please just- don't shoot him," Keira practically begged, her eyes beginning to tear from embarrassment, and also fear. Luke shoved the gun in his pocket.
"And what makes you think we were going to shoot him?" Luke asked, deadpanned. This time, Michael glared at her suspiciously.
"I dunno I just...guessed you would," she lied. Michael's glares grew harsher. Was there something wrong in what she'd said?
Michael stepped forward. "We've heard enough."
"Actually, Michael, I'm beginning to enjoy this." Luke smirked sinisterly at the frightened girl.
"Luke?" Michael challenged, taking a daring step towards Luke. "That's enough. Lets's get to the branding."
The crowds eyes followed the two.
Calum clapped his hands twice. "Well, you heard him! Move, move, move!"
The crowd parted into rows of threes, Keira standing in front of them all.
"Why don't you go first?" Michael snarled at Keira.
"But I-"
"One of the boys pushed her forward. "N-no, do I have a say in this?" she asked. Luke chuckled. "Nope," he said.
The four of their silhouettes towered over her as she silently sighed. "Ashton!" shouted Michael. He looked down at her and smirked, murderous thoughts running through his sick mind.

"Okay! What's your name?" asked Ashton. She opened her mouth, trying to say something. "Well then? Spit it out!"

"Keira. My name is Keira," she announced and nodded.

"Keira, you can be a-" began Ashton, until he got cut of by Michael.

"Um, Ashton. Is it okay if I decide?" asked Michael, tilting his head. Ashton stood back, a little confused.

"Uh, sure?" agreed Ashton but not sure himself. Michael nodded as a way to say thank you.

"You can be a White Tiger," he said, immediately. Keira furrowed her eyebrows, confused, but still nodded as if she new what he was talking about.

"A-and you're a White Tiger because when you stood up for him, it was pretty brave," he admitted, gesturing to the man. Nobody dared to make a comment or laugh about it because they knew he was right.

"Now, this might hurt a little but suck it up!" he shouted, going back to his old ways.

Luke stepped forward and smirked. He knew it would hurt and he loved to watch others in pain. He quickly marked her neck with a White Tiger symbol. As he did so, Keira slightly winced, but still clenched her jaw, fighting the pain. Luke glared and pushed her to the side.

"Next!" they screamed.

Keira looked back at them, looking Michael right in the eye. He laughed at something Ashton said and turned to the left, where she was. They made awkward eye contact, but Keira didn't dare look away. She held confidence in her eyes. This frightened Michael.


Hope you liked this chapter and do not forget to comment and vote if you did 💕 thanks for all the lovely things you've commented on the last chapter we were Iiterally scrolling through it and giggling throughout!
If you didn't quite understand this chapter, there's a lot more to come and it will all be explained further into the book ❤️ so hang in there!

We love you guys,
-Rashi & Shekinah-

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