thirteen| last chance

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She was annoyed.

Beyond annoyed, Keira ran after Michael. The familiar blonde haired boy was easy to spot in a group of people. She shouted his name and he kept walking. So, she ran past all the people and caught up to him. She was standing in front of him now, breathing heavily. Not from running, from anger.

Now, she didn't even have the energy to fully argue with him. But she still said something.



"How could-" she was interuppted mid-sentence with desperation in his voice.

"Look, I didn't know. Okay?" he tried to shortly explain.

"Yeah, but-" she was once again, cut off. But this time by a pale looking Calum.

He stumbled into the room, rolling his eyes. He looked stressed and worried. His eyes looked sunken and his face was pale. He pulled on Michael's ear and whispered something. They both looked at each other - gobsmacked. They both left the room without looking back, leaving Keira alone in the hallway. 

Ashton walked into the hall and gently guides everyone in there to assemble back into the basement. Word on the street, it was an emergency. Keira was still confused, but followed everyone else anyways. She walked in and saw that everyone was in rows, looking ahead. There were slight murmurs that didn't sound to reassuring. Looking ahead, she saw a very prominent looking man with a suit and tie on. He fixed his suit and checked his watch. He looked annoyed.
She saw Michael in the crowds of people and ran to him. 
"What's going on?" she asked.

"We don't know, Keira. Now, go away," he sharply snapped and pushed her away, gently.

Once everyone was settled, all she could hear was her heartbeat. She gulped and felt her stomach rumble. The man looked at Michael. Michael made his way to the front to announce something.

"Attention everyone. This is Mr Mulford. He's the founder of the Food Chain Enhacement System or the FCES."

Someone in the crowd snorted and mumbled, "Ha, feeces."

Luke tried to contain his laughter and Mr Mulford glared.

"I'd like to announce that this whole food chain," he gestured, "isn't going to always be like this."

No one said anything - they were confused.

"Instead, it'll be worse; more tougher."

Everyone gasped and started muttering about how this has to be a joke. Things couldn't go on; this had to end. Whether it's death or escaping.

"However, that'll only happen if you 5cide boys," he said, pointing at the four boys. "are okay with us to stop supporting you in all ways."

"Stop supporting you in all ways, what do you mean?" Calum asked.

"Look. The FCES is a very big business. And we'll still allow you to continue this Food Chain. However, do you know how much attention we're getting in the media recently? Some of these people's families have continuously complained to the police. We can't just kill them now - the police aren't agreeing with it. Have you seen it? People are campaigning. We are going to make this tougher only if you don't stop being so carefree with these people. You can't let them roam around free, with or without supervision. It's too dangerous out there. We're going to stop funding you if you won't take this seriously. And you boys, especially won't see your loved ones or each other again."

Michael and Keira exchanged eye contact, but she looked down.

Mr. Mulford continued, "I've also been told that someone here has been having an affair. Now, I don't want to say any names but I must tell you that absolutely none of that will be tolerated here at FCES. Rules are rules. Also, as compared to last year, the number of kills this year has fallen short. But I'll take care of that."
Mr. Mulford pulled out a gun from his pocket, and shot around the room blindly. The remainders were stricken with an immediate fear, but they were wise enough to make no sound. Keira was alive, but felt as if she were seconds away from death.
"So," Mr. Mulford said, casually shoving his gun back into his pocket. "I hope i've been made clear. Hopefully, you'll do a lot better now. All the rules of which I spoke to you earlier will be effective as of tomorrow."
Keira could've sworn she saw a tear roll down Michael's cheek.
The crowd was dismissed, and Keira and the remaining victims had to dispose off their friends' lifeless bodies. Keira cried a little, recognising a few faces here and there, though none of whom were her close friends.
 When Keira came back to catch up to Michael, and made her way through the crowd, she noticed Mr. Mulford approaching Michael. Being ever the curious person, she stayed at a hearing distance.
"Son," Mr. Mulford said to him, placing a stiff arm on his shoulder.
"Mr. Mulford," Michael replied through gritted teeth, shoving the arm off his shoulder and walking away briskly. Keira caught up to him fast.
"Can I talk to you? Please?" Keira said, out of breath.
Michael glanced in Mr. Mulford's direction. "With that guy around? Not happening." 
"When will he leave?" Keira persisted.
"Probably eleven," Michael sighed, walking away.
Keira caught up to him once again. "Meet me at the park at eleven thirty. Don't be late."
Michael hesitated, but nodded soon enough.

"What is it?" Michael asked, as he was approaching her. 

"Is it true?" Keira sighed, crestfallen. At this point, she didn't want to argue. She just wanted the truth. "Are you really a human?"

Michael laughed half-heartedly. "Whoa there. Sit down first."

They both sat down on the park bench. It remained quiet for a really long time.  

Michael finally spoke up. "It is true. I'd gotten so angry that day, I didn't even think about what would happen if I killed him."

Keira was still confused, so Michael explained further. "There's this rule in 5cide. When you kill a human, you become a human. You can only become a human through killing another human. That's how the cycle continues."

There was a deathly stillness in the air. An absent-minded tear rolled down Keira's cheek. "So I guess this is it then? You'll have to kill me now."

Michael turned to face her. "Don't say that. I won't kill you and that's final."
"But that's not your decision, is it." Keira said softly.

"No," Michael frowned. "It isn't."

The awkward silence went on.

"Well I suppose that's it then." Keira said, sniffing a little. "Rules are rules. We also can' to each other as much as we did before. I think the FCES knows what's happening, and that's why they've emphasised it."

"Yeah but, those rules are only effective as of tomorrow," Michael smirked.

Before Keira could speak, Michael pulled her face to his and kissed her tenderly. 
Keira kissed back, obviously, despite her being in complete shock.

When they pulled away, Michael had the hugest grin."Been wanting to do that for awhile."

Keira smiled, still in shock. "Me. Too."

All throughout the evening, everyone decided to let lose. This was their last night of freedom, and quite possibly, the last time they'd see most of their friends.

a/n: Sooo sorry I put the story on hold. Rashi had the chapter up and ready but I had exams to attend to :( we hope this exciting chapter makes up for ittt :D
by the way, this is probably the most Meira you're gonna see for awhile. We're trying to make this more action-based and less romance-based. Enjoy!

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