seven| campfire daze

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Hiii please read the vv important author's note at the end (: carry on...

Keira sweated.
She spent less than twenty minutes in the Everglades and she was already beginning to feel worn out. There was no way she was going to survive the food chain.
And this was just the first trial.
Apart from having to get food, she needed to keep an eye out for the human. Kiera had not been so afraid of them before today. She looked around consciously. The wristband around her hand was making her sweat like nobody's business. She wanted so badly to pull it off, but each time she attempted to do so it would only wrap around her arm tighter.
Kiera saw a girl with the deer seal, only a few meters away. She hadn't killed anyone yet. This was her chance. She hid behind a tree and crouched down low, working out her next move. The deer girl drew closer to the tree, and Keira saw the opportunity and pounced. She pinned her to the ground.
The girl looked like she just entered her teens, and looked up sadly at Keira. She was breathing heavily and panting, trembling under Keira's weight. Keira tried looking away. She really did.
What was the best option to kill someone? She could break her neck. That didn't seem so hard. She'd seen it done in the movies. But what if it failed? What if she didn't injure it hard enough, and the poor girl had to suffocate? Selflessness was something to be proud of yesterday. But today, it is a weakness.
Keira squinted her eyes shut and twisted her neck. Then she ran, not looking back. Suddenly, she could feel someone watching her from a distance. A white tiger characteristic, probably. She looked around cautiously, seeing a dark-haired man grin at her, from a tree. He was holding a gun in his hands. For a moment, Keira wanted to call him out for bringing a weapon, when she realised who he was.
A human.
Humans use guns to kill animals.
He was going to use a gun to kill her.
Keira picked up all the strength she had left, and ran. She seemed to be gradually picking up speed, the world zooming past her like a blur. She professionally manoeuvred over the fallen trees and stumps on the floor. She could even jump above fallen barks, and jump from small heights and trees. Despite running away from her predator, she felt free.
Her legs seemed to have a mind of its own. They knew exactly where to go and take her. It came to the point where she couldn't actually slow them down. She jumped and sat high on a tree, getting her restless legs to stop begging to go somewhere. It didn't really matter now. The human was gone. She was safe.
Another person soon accompanied her on the tree. It was Jillian, a girl whom she remembered getting a snake seal. They sat there together, catching their breaths and panting heavily, looking at the other people run below them.
"Hi," Jillian said after a while. "What's your name?"
"Keira Maxwell. I'm a White tiger." Keira smiled despite being chased by her own kind as of five minutes ago. Or at least, her previous kind.
"I'm Jillian Gladys. I'm a cobra." She hissed playfully, and Keira laughed.
"Cobra? If I remember correctly you were just a snake?"
"Haha well, I changed it up a bit. Cobras are cool." She winked. "Hey! You're the girl who hangs around Michael, right?"
Keira coughed, not expecting that, "Uh yeah, sometimes."
"You guys would make a great couple." Jillian squealed. Snakes have a problem of not being able to hold their extremely long tongues. But then again, so do White Tigers. "Oh, hold up, I gotta go. There's a delicious-looking hamster down there. See ya later."
Keira winced. She had a pet hamster back home. "Yeah, I'll see you later."
She continued to sit on the tree, completely stunned. The girl who always hangs around Michael? What was that?
When she realised it was about time she got off the tree, a loud horn hooted in the distance. It was Luke, calling for everyone's attention.
"Everyone! Meet up near the helicopter launch pad. Trial one is over."
Once everyone was chatting amongst themselves near the launch pad, Calum screamed, "Can we have your attention?"
"We don't want trial two to be harsh as you've just had trial one. So over there," Ashton pointed to the left, "Is some wood."
"Use that to make a fire and create a large circle with the logs, for you to sit on," he said, proudly.
"A campfire?!" someone asked.
"Yes, no questions!"
And off everyone went to do so.

Meanwhile at the police station:

Keira's parents went to go complain to the police because they thought that her and her friends went to go stay at a hotel for a week to see some band. They were super overprotective, so they called her all the time to check if she was okay. On Friday, the day she went to the concert, they noticed that she hadn't come back. Where could she be? They wondered.
"Alright, mister, Where's our daughter?" Keira's dad asked the police officer and grabbed his collar. The policeman took his hands off of his collar, in disgust.
"I already told you, she's dead," he lied.
"You're not lying?" they asked.
"Not at all. She was murdered and her body is nowhere to be found," he lied, once again.
"You-you mean...she's gone? Forever? She's gone. Our first child is dead. How?!" her mum sobbed into her dad's shoulder.
"She's never coming back. I'm sorry," the policeman said and left them in that cold, dark and dull police station.

Back with the 5cide boys...

"Let's gather round the campfire and sing our campfire songs, everyone!" Michael shouted.
"Did you just quote Spongebob?" asked Luke.
"Yes," said Michael.
"Pfft, nerd," snorted Luke.
Keira lightly laughed, as she overheard their conversation, hoping for them not to hear her. Luke heard it but he didn't know it was Keira.
"So uh...Have you asked Keira out yet?" whispered Luke.
"What do you mean, yet?" asked Michael.
"Oh c'mon, you know you want to," teased Luke, nudging Michael.
"Dude no, there's literally no feelings," he said truthfully.
Luke sighed. "Whatever you say..."
Once the campfire was ready and made, everyone sat down, waiting for the boys. Calum suddenly came and strummed his guitar. "Alright, everyone! Anyone know any campfire songs?" he asked. No one answered.
"Oh, you lot are no fun. Let's do...The Man by Dead Sheeran?" asked Ashton. The other three agree and get ready to start singing.
"Hang on, Michael. Can I switch places with you? I'm not comfortable here," Luke said and smirked. He was sat next to Keira. Michael raised his eyebrows because he knew what Luke was doing. He shook his head no, until Ashton basically pushed him out of his seat.
Michael went and sat down next to Keira, with his guitar.
"I don't love you, baby. I don't need you, baby," Michael sung with passion. Keira closed her eyes while listening. His voice was magical and hypnotising. It was so calming that she could just fall asleep, then and there.
So just then, she drifted off to sleep. But she had a tendency to lean on people or something while sleeping so accidentally, she lied on Michael's shoulder. Michael looked at her and smiled softly while she was asleep, even though he knew the gesture wasn't intentional.
Michael deeply inhaled and thought, "What a great day."

i love this so much can i cri????
Hey you lot x sorry we haven't  been updating much we literally live a continent away from each other. However, pleaseeee keep reading 5cide as it wont really be all sunshine and rainbows like it is now. And thats why its fun. The drama hasnt quite begun. (Ooh it rhymed)
so yes, please do not ever forget to vote, comment, fan and share this story if you think it's worth your promo. We promise you that there's a whole lot of things happening and i do believe we will be  exceeding 50 chapters, or even more, for this one. So please continue to support us. We loooove reading your comments and reactions to the story and we will reply as many as we can.
Best wishes,
Us Xx

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