ten| trial two

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A/n: soRRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE RASHIDA SENT ME THE CHAPTER EARLY BUT i WAS GROUNDED I ONLY GOT THE OPPORTUNITY TO WRITE TODAY SO I'M SORRY! Please feel free to read the previous chapter if you forgot what had happened

Everyone shut up!" Calum shouted with a raspy voice. His throat still hurt like mad because of when Michael basically made him get ill.
The crowd that were immensely engrossed in their conversations immediately stopped talking to see what the announcement was.
"Your next trial is today. It's at the beach, in the sea. It's a little harder but, nothing you can't handle. Hopefully. Anyways-" Calum cut Luke off because he was about to start rambling and god, Calum would get a headache. You could tell Cal was a bit cranky today.
Everyone groaned at the words, 'trial,' and, 'sea.' Which thankfully the boys didn't hear.
"We would have gone now but we need to hire four vans of eight seats, so then you can go in your groups," Calum announced and Keira gulped. She was avoiding Michael and so was he, but she's in Michael's group, how could they?
"Last thing, we'll be joining in the trial. Just to really see how you're doing," said Ashton, shrugging.
"Um, that's it for now. We'll tell you more later. Just go eat, stay hydrated and prepared," said Michael, ending the announcement.
Keira and Jill walked back to their dorms, moaning about the next trial that would occur later.
"I don't want to do this. No one was dead in the first one and who knows, someone might get killed in this one. That someone might be one of us," Jill complained, gesturing to both of them.
"I know, just fight and stay alive, Jill. I know you can do it," Keira yawned, not feeling enthusiasm today.
"Ah, thanks. Hey, want to go get something to eat?" asked Jill and Keira nodded. They walked down to the hall was and looked for food.
Keira grabbed a plate and put fries on her plate. While she was taking half of the basically unhealthy salad and drenching it in salad cream, a voice beside her spoke up, making her jump.
"You know, you should save some for me," laughed Luke. She didn't really know why he was talking to her, maybe because he was the only one that knew Michael had those feelings for Keira. She didn't know that though. She sort of disliked Luke the most because it was his idea to create these, "trials." She had to respect him, sadly.
"Oh, sorry," she mumbled, not wanting to be much of a conversationist with him.
She walked away over to where the drinks were. She picked up the jug of orange juice and poured it into a cup, taking a sip.
"You know, Ashton made that and shoved his hands in it," said Luke, picking the jug up. She coughed and had a short choke on the orange juice after hearing that news.
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" he giggled and she sighed in relief.
She picked up the fruit salad on a spoon and dropping it into a bowl, having Luke follow her once again.
He stole a piece of orange and whispered, "Michael really, really likes you, you know that?"
"He told me.." she said, confused as to how Luke knew.
"Might even be love, who knows?" Luke asked, walking away.
That made Keira want to avoid him, even more.

Soon enough, the four hired vans of eight seats arrived and everyone was pushed into a van, with one of the boys in their group.
Keira sat next to no one, seeing as Jordan was talking to a friend of his, at the back of the van. Oh well, she enjoyed the peace. Michael drove and Keira thought he looked quite attractive with a red flannel on and the window open, which meant the breeze ran through his hair in the daylight. Hopefully, he didn't know she was staring.
Finally, they arrived at the beach and saw that everyone was there and ready. Michael parked the van and everyone got out, joining the rest. The boys stood on a rock and started to announce the rules and notices.
"Luke's a penguin, Michael's a shark, Ashton's a lion and I'm a puppy. Watch out, as we're joining in, remember," Calum said, crossing his arms.
"Penguins hunt any sea animal. Sharks hunt fish. Lions hunt rhinos. Puppies hunt deers. That's it really," informed Ashton.
"Everyone in the sea! I hope you all know how to swim, if not, you won't survive one bit," Luke smirked, while hopping into the freezing water.
"Michael, say when the tame starts?" Ashton asked Michael and he nodded.
"Five, four, three, two, one...go!" he shouted, jumping into the water.
What a hectic trial this may be.
Keira glided through the water effortlessly, her friends swimming in blurs around her. Her wristband echoed her heartbeat like a quick-paced metronome. It was going to be really hard for her to find a person with the seal of her prey, and kill them afterwards without watching her own back, too. She kept her blue, now camouflaged eyes on all the people around her, eyeing them and their brands carefully.
She nearly choked on the water when she felt a cold hand grab her wrist. She wrestled to let it go, until she turned around and saw that it was just Michael. He let go of her hand and pointed to the surface. They both went above water, gasping for air.
"What is it?" Keira asked groggily, trying not to be distracted by a shirtless Michael.
"Be extra careful, okay? I cannot tell you the dangers you're in because I'm not allowed. But please keep your eyes out. The opposition is very strong."
"Um okay," she said. So...was that it? Were things normal between them now?
Michael squeezed Keira's hand. "Be safe, good luck." And swam away.
Keira dove into the water again. She was far behind everyone else, and she could only spot two or three of them. In the blurry water, she made out the young deer that she almost killed in the previous trial. It was now or never.
She swam rapidly behind her. The deer girl did not even know Keira was swimming behind her, and kept moving slow-paced. Keira strained her body forward, and reached out her hand to grab the deer's leg. But a hand grabbing her own leg startled her. Keira turned around to see Jordan, grinning evilly at her. She saw an outline of a human body on the side of his neck. How had she not noticed it before? Was she so blind to his kindness that she did not noticed he had meant to get her to trust him?
Keira was in a state of complete panic. Not only was there a human, grabbing on to her leg, but she knew that there was another human- the one in the previous trial.
There were two humans after her.
Jordan carried out a pocket knife from his shorts, while Keira tried to wrestle his hand off her leg. She screamed and cried, but no one could hear her in the middle of the ocean. She urged herself to think like a White Tiger. What do tigers do? They roar.
Keira gathered every ounce of breath she had, stuck her head above water, and roared. She sounded like herself, but she was loud. Startled, Jordan released her leg. She clawed at him with her long, curved nails and scratched him on the arm. Blood clouded the water, and Keira saw the opportunity to swim away. Unsurprisingly, the deer was long gone. She swam as far away as possible and sat on a rock that peeked from the waves. Her wristband was beating rapidly, and her adrenaline levels were inhuman. She took time to recollect everything that just happened, and the little white tigress sat on the rock, and cried.
Trial two was over.
At dinner, Keira wrapped herself in a warm blanket and sat next to Jill, who was talking to her excitedly. Keira nodded, trying to be enthusiastic when all she wanted to do now was sleep and cry. Her food plate in front of her remained untouched, and Jill kept trying to get her to eat.
"Cmon Keira, you didn't kill anyone today." Jill said sadly. "Your food levels are down. At least eat some human junk, it might fill you a little?"
Keira shook her head, her teeth chattering. She was down with the flu because of all the water that went up her nose. And because she'd been crying. A lot.
Michael and the boys walked into the cafeteria, looking as bright as always. Obviously, the trial went well for them. Keira turned her head sideways so Michael wouldn't see her in this state.
Following them was Jordan, who had a much deeper cut than Keira had intended.
"Oh my gosh--look at that cut on his arm!" Jill squealed excitedly. Keira turned and looked at it, and she felt a flash of pride.
Michael stopped in his tracks and turned around to see Jordan's arm. He frowned. He looked across the hallway, his eyes searching for the one person who just might've done it.
He caught Keira's gaze and pointed to the scar, with one eyebrow pointed upward like, "You did this?". Keira shrugged and smiled shyly. Michael was grinning now, wondering what he must have done right to be friends with that gem. That beautiful, brave white tigress; who he longed to call his own.

A/n: hope you liked it and again, sorry for the last update! We will make it up to you. More feelszzz in the next chapter;)
Us xoxo

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