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Class started, Sunoo is in arts department and eversince the class started, he have been very busy. He had evening shift at the cafe.. since the owner is too sweet, he didn't need to stay there for much hours. But the thing that makes him sad is that he never get a chance to see his mysterious boy.  Yes he is missing his mysterious ni-ki a lot.. He only know him for few days but still he got more close with him that he is missing him too much.

Meanwhile Ni-ki and Jake are very busy.. they are very busily involved to find that emerald boy. But they never seen him anywhere.  They are waiting for the headquarters to give them more clues.

Jake was walking alone through the street at the night. He was in deep thoughts and he noticed that there was a bicycle coming infront of him


Even if he heard the scream, he was too late. Bicycle guy lose his balance and hit jake and both of them fall together.

"Ouch, ouch it hurts.."
The unknown boy starts to scream
Jake got scared, since he is an angel, he won't get hurts..
He immediately run towards the unknown boy and helped him.
"Hey are you ok? Does it hurts??"

"Ofcourse it hurts, what kind of question is that?!"
The mysterious boy shoots by looking straight to jake's eyes.
Thats how he noticed the angel clearly.

Do you believe in love at first site? Well the unknown boy never believed in it until he saw the angel.

He gulped, he don't even know what to do.. he is totally froze.

"Ahmmm I'm sorry, i was in deep thoughts, i didn't notice your bicycle coming over here. Can u stand by yourself? Or let me help"
By that jake shown his hand towards the unknown boy.
He gladly accepted jake's hand and tried to stand up.. but then only he noticed it, his knee were wounded, joint is swelled.  He couldn't stand properly.
Jake got panicked by that.

Jake started to panick ..

Don't know why even he is in pain still the unknown boy found it's cute.
" hey Don't worry, I'm fine. I think it will be very difficult for me to ride bicycle. Could you please help me to call a taxy so that i can go home? "

"Hey no, i can't let u go alone. I will come with you.. wait are you with your family?! If yes we can just call your family members?!"

"Ahmmm, I'm living alone. So there is no point for that"
Jake's heart swells with affection, he can't let this boy go there alone.
"Ok , so decided, i will come alone with you. And let me treat you."

A smile spreads on the boy's face. Its been a while he gets a affection like this.

' I'm so glad to know that, hmm well I'm sunghoon, i works as a delivery boy at a nearby restaurant for part time."

"Ohh nice to meet you sunghoona, I'm jake.
Me and my friend is living nearby this street."


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