5. You're My Best Friend.

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                                 *Continuation of V's POV*

"Guys, I heard our frenemies are back in town." As soon as I heard those words come out of Louis' mouth, I gasped. "Are you seriously scared of them V?" Peter asked. "What the hell!? No, I'm not scared." I told him and it was the truth, I wasn't scared, I was just nervous because there was a certain person whom I didn't want to meet. "Oh c'mon Peter, do you really think that V would be scared of someone? He is not scared, he just doesn't want to see......Zayn." Parth said. He couldn't read my mind because I am an original vampire and he was sired to me as I was the one who turned him into a vampire, I turned all of them but he knows me well enough to know that what makes me happy and what makes me uncomfortable. After all, he is my best friend. They all are.
                                            *Y/N's POV*

I was sitting on my couch and watching Friends when someone rang the doorbell. I went and opened the door, it was Jungkook. "Hey Y/N, can I come in?" he asked. "Sure Jungkook, come in." I said and smiled. We both sat on the couch and I started talking, "So, why did you come here?" I asked while giving him a friendly smile so I don't seem rude. "I just wanted to check in on you. How are you?" he asked. "I'm fine Jungkook, its been hard but I am coping up. Thanks for asking." I replied. We had a moment of awkward silence until he noticed a picture of us when we were children that I put on the side table. Yeah, we were best friends since we were little kids but then we started drifting away. "Wow Y/N, you still have a picture of us?" he asked while picking up the picture and smiling while looking at it. "Of course, I have, you idiot, we were best friends." I said while laughing. We laughed for a while then looked at each other and stopped. He suddenly said, "I'm really sorry Y/N, I'm sorry for ruining our friendship." "It's okay, Jungkook, it was not your fault, we just drifted away from each other." We started talking more and we started re-living our childhood memories. "Hey Y/nie, do you remember when we were playing hide and seek and you couldn't find me so you thought that you got lost and started crying." He said while bursting with laughter. "Yaaahh!! Its not funny kookiee!! I was a little child and I got scared." I said. "Yeah and then I came and hugged you so you would stop crying." We both started smiling and we started watching TV again. After a while, the doorbell rang again. I opened the door and saw V. He came in and he was smiling but when he saw Jungkook sitting there, his smile suddenly disappeared.
                                             *V's POV*

I missed Y/N so I thought of surprising her. I went to her house. When she opened the door and I went in, I saw Jungkook sitting there. I don't know why but I felt anger. "What are you doing here, JK?" I asked him. "I just came to check up on Y/N, hyung." (koreans call their older brother or friends, hyung) he said. I could feel my blood boil from anger. "Well, now I'm here to take care of her so you can leave." I said coldly. He just looked down, his face looked like he will soon start crying. "What the hell, Tae?! Why are you being so rude to him? he is your friend!" Y/N yelled. I came back to my sensed and apologized to Jungkook. "Im sorry JK, my bad, I shouldn't have talked to you like that." He nodded and said, "Its okay hyung, I know jealousy gets the best of you." He said while smirking. I just rolled my eyes. "Oh, hyung, Y/Nie, I gotta go, I'll see you guys later!." After he left, I asked Y/N, "So, what was Jungkook doing here?" "Aww, is someone jealous tae?" She said while making a puppy dog face. "Oh shut up Y/N-shi." I replied. She suddenly came close to me and poked my chest while saying, "Is your little heart broken?" and laughed. I grabbed her waist, pulled her close to me and whispered in her ear, "Stop it or I'll show you what I can do to keep you away from other guys." I looked in her eyes, smirked and winked. I knew she always felt week when I did that. "Aww, now who is blushing Y/N-shi?" I said. "Yaahh!! shut up!" she said and hid her face in her hands. I hugged her and confessed to her. "Y/N-shi, can I say something?" I asked. "Sure V-shii" she said while still being in my embrace. "I love you Y/N-shi, I really do. I want to keep you happy always, I can't see you crying or upset. You mean the whole world to me Y/N, please accept me."
                                            *Y/N's POV*

I was shocked when I heard him say that, I obviously loved him back but i was still confused about the whole vampire thing. I didn't know what to do. "V, you are a great guy and I really like you but can you please give me sometime?" I said and smiled a bit. "Sure, love." he replied while giving me a satisfactory smile. I hugged him again because i just felt secured and warm in his embrace. We watched friends the whole day and just talked. I forgot about the whole vampire thing for a while.

                                     *Jungkook's POV*

After I left Y/N's house, I started recalling our moments, her smile, her laugh, her voice. I loved her and I couldn't do anything about it. After recalling our precious moments, V hyung's actions started coming back in my head. He is the reason why I can't be with Y/N and now she is falling in love with him. I couldn't be with Y/N because V hyung turned me into a vampire. He is a vampire but that doesn't make any difference. I don't understand why can't Y/N love me. Why does she love V hyung!!?? Am i really not good enough?! Ugh! I punched the steering wheel of my car. Anyways, I couldn't do anything so I just went home.
Author's POV- Hey guysss!! please keep supporting me and tell me what would you like to happen next? I purple you Armyy!💜💜


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