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Macei pov
july 20th 2020
brooklyn, new york.
i was at brooklyn's house in the living room with mykel. i guess we got back in contact more but i haven't with mirah and i can really say i'm phased.

"me and mirah haven't been talking" i said breaking the silence

"yeah i know she tells me everything now" he said laughing a bit

"y'all will get over it" he added

" i don't think we are and i don't think i really want to" i said making his head snap up from his phone

"why? y'all do realize if y'all stop being friends it's going to affect everybody," he said

"i know but i'm not going to force myself to stay in a friendship i'm not happy in..mirah clearly has something against me and i don't know what and i don't care. she's clearly not happy with our friendship either but she wants to keep forcing herself" i said

"it sounds like you're just caring about yourself and not worried how that will end this friend group" he said

"what?..because i'm
not happy?" i said looking at him

"no because you guys haven't talked anything out you're just arguing and this goes for you and mirah" he said
"alright you got us out here at 10pm for what?" dejah said

"because mirah and macei need to talk somethings out" kam said

"exactly" mykel said

"we're literally outside sitting on a bench while you  three look down on us" mirah said

"who's house we going to then?" kam said

"mine" i said getting up

"alright let's go" dejah said

we were all in the elevator it was pretty awkward because of how quiet it is. once we made it our floor immediately got off.

"that's was awkward" dejah whispered to me which made me nod.

i but my key in the my apartment door and opened it.

"okay yall know where my room is let me feed fendi real fast" i said walking over the dog food bowls.  

"okay" mykel said

"alright mirah and macei are going to speak their feelings one person talks at a time dont talk over eachother" kam said

"ill go first"  mirah said as she stood in front of me.
i was facing sideways as the 3 others watched.

"i'm mad because i feel like you don't want to be friends with me anymore and you look more happy with hailey , dejah, kam and mykel and it makes me feel like you don't want to be friend." mirah said

"okay, macei talk" mykel said

"i'm mad because you pick arguments with me over the smallest things, and you show that you're jealous because i'm happy with hailey. i also probably look my happier with them because they don't start fights with me over small stuff and get angry" i said

"alright now who do y'all agree with more" kam said

"no don't make them pick sides" mirah said

"macei" dejah said

"macei" mykel said

"y'all only picked her because y'all clearly like her more than me" mirah said.

"mirah dont drag this situation.." mykel said

"mirah why do you seem so stressed please tell us what's on your mind" dejah said sighing

"y'all like her better than me and it shows" mirah said

i stayed silent.

"we like y'all the same...it's clear that you could be showing jealousy..and we all see you pick the smallest fights with macei"  dejah said

"let's not even argue both of y'all just apologize" mykel said

"why am i apologizing-" mirah said but was cut off

"i'm really not trying to cause problems so i'll be the bigger person" i cut her off
"i apologize for making it seem like i'm happier with other people" i said

"okay mirah go" kam said

"i'm sorry for doing nothing" mirah said making the 3 others groan.

"i need new friends" dejah said groaning

"so nobody's going to get mad at dejah for saying that?" mirah said

"we all need new friends and a break from eachother" dejah said

"no, wants mirah gets out whatever phase she's in we'll be fine..we're going to last the whole summer" kam said

"i'm not really trying to doubt anything..but they way it's going we'll have to see" i said

until we meet again..|| badkidmaceiWhere stories live. Discover now