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july 30th 2020.

filler chapter bc i miss you guys! and this book is blowing up sm i can't abandon it
anymore 😭

one more month left.

that's all the time macei had til she started a new chapter. so many things were falling apart and she couldn't help but feel emotionally drained.

she hadn't left her apartment since the 26th of july and it's now the 30th.

she's ghosted everyone figuring she didn't have the energy but she saw all the concern messages from hailey. macei couldnt help but feel nothing but guilt
for ghosting the girl who only trying to show how much she cares.

she hadn't heard from mirah nor mykel, kam and dejah did check up on the poor girl though.
macei felt like she needed this to see who her real friends are and to see how quickly life can change.

but jania on the other hand was torn, she couldnt stand to see her daughter in this state of mind yet she didn't know what to do. she's tried everything in her power to the point now the only think she can do is just pray and give macei signs that she'll always be there for her.

the house hold was disrupted with a light knock at the front door causing fendi to bark.

"fendi stop barking!" jania exclaimed walking towards the door, opening it to see the curly headed girl hailey.

"hi, i haven't heard from macei in the past few days im just here to check up on her i've been a bit worried" hailey explained

"that's really nice of you, macei is in her room right now," jania said making room for hailey to come in "i don't think she's doing so well it's has everything to do with everything that's going on out there" jania said referring to all of maceis friends"

hailey nodded walking in

"i'll go talk to her" hailey said walking towards maceis room.

as she arrived a the girls door she knocked figuring it would be rude to just barge in.

"come in" macei said guessing it would just be her mom or kacey.

"hey macei, has everything been all right?" hailey said walking in closing the door behind her

macei looked up seeing that it wasn't her mom.

macei quickly got up going to give hailey a hug.

"oh my god, i really have a lot of emotions to let out i've been bottling everything up, im really sorry for completely going ghost it's not your fault or anything i really apologize." macei said pulling away from the hug ending her rant.

"don't worry about it, let's talk about it okay?" hailey said leading macei to her bed.

"yeah, that's basically it thank you for coming to listen" macei said laughing a bit as she wiped some tears off of her face.

"of course, i'm always here but i think you should just leave mirah alone for a bit, it's draining the energy out you, you're going to meet new people when you move i promise you'll get a break from all the bullshit and try to stay for a while" hailey said

"my mom is saying maybe 1 to 5 months, i wish it could be way longer but i feel like i can't just abandon everyone here you know? i would want to
be back because this is my home but i know deep down i've missed so much over there" macei said

"they're still my family and i can't keep running from them"

i literally had to re read this whole book bc i forgot wtf was going on...
but for the sequel i want the book to take place in

until we meet again..|| badkidmaceiOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz