The answer

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I flipped a pancake onto my plate and sat down in the living room. I know mom had a big thing about no eating on the carpet but it was Sunday, I really don't care. I turned on some Netflix and flipped the remote until I got to my favorite show. I wish they would answer already. I thought, meaning the record company. I expected rejection but I still had a little hope, and that made waiting worse. I wore a loose sweater and bright green sweat pants. Yea yea the same old same old, I thought as the tv was showing the previous episode. I ate my pancake i savored the silence and relaxed, "become one with the couch, couch forever". I mumbled as I stared at the TV. Mom always says it rots your brain to watch TV at all. Whatever, she doesn't understand your average 14 year old any ways. *ding dong* the doorbell rings. I thought it was just the mail so I got up and and set down my pancakes. But then I answered the door and a man with a suit is standing out side. As soon as I open the door he walks in and sits down at my table. I read his tag. "Robert enteros, co-manager of "sing" record company" Oh boy here comes the rejection. "Danex you show effort and talent in your submitted video, and so you got the job , notify your family and meet me outside in 10 minutes sharp." My eyes widen and I run upstairs to tell my parents and sister. My sister is already awake so I tell her first, I leave my parents a note that says "I got accepted to the record company I will be back by noon I love you from ~Danex :)" Then I tell my younger sister Kristine to make sure they read the note. I leave and get into the limousine. wait... I'm still wearing my sweater and sweat pants! Well bye, let's hope no one notices, they are so going to notice. I think as the limo pulls out of my Utah drive way.

A/N hey guys do you like it so far?? If you do rate comment and follow me! Ok bye see you in my next update

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