Messages and fans

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"Hi Danex please call back bye". that was the last message message 36. should I call him back, should I wait till the afternoon? Will he be alone taking pictures anymore? what am I talking about it's not like I have crush on him, pffffft what? No way. ok maybe. we were in the car driving to the record company. "Ok honey we're here have fun." I snapped out of it. "oh, yeah ok bye mom." I walked up to the door and pushed it open. Stacy was right there to meet me. "oi, your a tad late but no problem, warm up starts now." Oh no. "give me a nice strong b flat". this was going to be a long day.

"Bye Stacy see you tommorow bye." I smiled "oh, you betcha." she replied I headed down the hall to the recording box. I hope jack knows that I'm at the recording studio,i think,then I hear mr.sings voice."oh hello Danex we have three songs to record today we better get right on it."Mr.sing was right there by the door. "ok what song numbers?" I asked him, still mildly thinking about jack. "numbers 3 and 4." he said "ok so when do we start?" He looked at his watch. "13 minutes ago." I realized I had paused in the hall thinking about jack but I didn't know I had been that long. "Mr.sing, I'm so sorry I was I-I was um, just running late in the car." I trip over my own words, blushing like an idiot. "well you may have to stay late today because of the car incedent." Right then I knew he didn't believe me and that I was going to have a LOT of explaining to do.

--time lapse until after recording---

Well at least that's over. I think as I walk out of the tall building. "Wook,wook it her I mean it it weally is her." I hear the voice of a four year old to my right, then I notice all around the door was a circle of fans ranging from four year olds to 18 year olds. I was astonished. me? Famous, yeah right. a little girl about five waddled up to me and hugged my legs. "I love you so much." she stated and went back to burying her face into my knees. I looked around what should I do? I saw a fold out table I grabbed it, unfolded it and then grabbed a chair sat down and pulled a pen out of my pocket and shouted as loud as my sore throat (from singing) would allow, "FREE AUTOGRAPHS, GET IN LINE PLEASE." I smile to myself, now this I could get used to...

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