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"WHAT, DANEX, I GOT AN "F" ON MY HOMEWORK AND TEST YOUR GONNA PA-" he stops when he sees me having a discussion with a teacher. "Oh, um hi
mrs.contelly-um I was,um,was" I smirked and tried to look confused. "why would it me danex's fault that you got bad grades, I think you were pressing answers out of her, Dylan principal, now." Ha, suck it Dylan, good riddance.. Sorry not sorry. I think as I tell mrs.contelly I wasn't feeling well and head to the record company to check the rating on my first two "leaked" songs.

I pushed open the door of the record studio to find everyone getting out of their seats and clapping as i walked by. well, this is weird. I got to mr.sing's office and curiously pulled open the door. he came and hugged me. "what did I do again?" I asked confused. "oh nobody told you, your songs are number one on the ratings." oh.my.God. no way, no way. "Really?!?!" I was ecstatic "so tommorow at 7:30 meet me here." wait what. "seven thirty in the morning?" "Yes dear fame comes with a price." "so I'm of for the day?" I asked hopefully "fine yes your off," I opened the door. "but watch out, the paparazzi will be all over this, so be careful." I smiled "yes sir!" I headed out and walked torwards my moms car. exitment still coursing in my viens.

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