Pranks first,then Recording and fame

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"Yes of course I'm sure that's the right answer" I tell Dylan as I give him the exact opposite of the right answer. I sit across from him on the bus and in class. basically it sucks. "I'm positive 23 times 124 is not 1093." "Dylan, I'm giving you the answers, suck it up." I was more bold and brave with my remarks back to Dylan since getting accepted to the record company. "Fine loser." he said I almost laughed, that was the best he could come up with? Ha, nice try. "Ok um, I have something to do." I told Dylan and got of the bus.

"MOM HURRY UP" I yell and got in the car , my mom just had to come with me (for some reason). "Ok, ok be patient", she says and we drive out of the drive way to sing record company.

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