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Jack's POV

"Ooooh these are quite interesting." Mrs.Dand compliments me. mrs.dand is the head of the paparazzi company.

And she was talking about the pictures I got of Danex.
She thought that Danex was a faker, and a great headline of this months issue of celebrity scandal, the magazine.

"SAMANTHA GET THESE PICTURES INTO THE MAGAZINE A.S.A.P." mrs.D shouted at a girl in the corner of the room. Samantha was a shady, black haired, sarcastic girl with an attitude, and Jack liked that. Because, personally he hated Danex . But he had to get close to her to get the best pictures.

"Mrs.D now that we have the pictures can I please break up with that wannabe of a popstar?"


"PLEASE MOM." I shout, she hates it when I confirm that I'm her son and not just another employee, because I'm not.

"Go to your room right now." she says with a fierce glare.

"No, I will not go to my room." I say calmly with the smallest hint of a smile on my face.

"Jackson Peter Dand what did I just hear you say?" Oh no what in the world did I just get myself into?. I think.

"Whatever" I mumble under my breath and head upstairs to my room.

A/n Oh my gosh I am SUCH a terrible author I haven't written in two months.
I,am so sorry for the people who thought I was done writing and deleted it. whoops.
And thank you to the people who do read it and is still in their library.
Because I have been sooooo stressed lately and fell like I am going to collapse.
Well I a, so sorry please don't kill me. bye... ((moon emogi))
- ze wonderful author that is me

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