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After autographs, I headed home. then I looked at my watch. Oh no, I was never going to make it home by six. And Then, no record company for a week. This is true terror, I think when I start to sprint home.

"but mom please, I'm only two minutes late, please don't ground me please." I plead pointlessly at my mother. "No, I gave you a warning and you denied it." but what about the rest of my album? "Mom at least let me go to the studio." I say trying to negotiate. "fine, but one, minute late next time," she slid her finger across her throat. "and your toast." she walked out of the room and I headed upstairs.

Oh come on please answer. I was calling jack. "um, hello who is this?" I hear his voice coming out of the phone. "jack, I'm so sorry about the missed calls, I was asleep,please forgive me?" I managed to say. "well, of course, it's fine I forgive you, but you don't sound happy, what's wrong?" I felt like a huge weight lifted from my shoulders. "my mom grounded me for a week because i was late." I complained back to him. "oh, that's gotta suck." I laughed aloud, because, well, it did suck but somehow talking to jack made it bearable. "I know right, well I hear my mom coming up and she doesn't know I still have a phone, bye" I said "see Ya later" then the line went dead, I stuffed the phone under my pillow and pretended to be asleep. " Goodnight sweetie." I heard her say before she left. Yeah right, as if you care if I have goodnight.

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