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I had safely snuck out from Kie's house, and now me and Pope were waiting with my pick up truck. May or may have not stolen it.
There were a few creaks coming from the inside, as we heard the squeak of the door. I could hear the arguing between two voices nearing closer and closer. Kiara and her mother.

"Kiara, don't you dare leave this house!! Do you know what'll happen to you if you continue to associate yourself with these...boys?" She stared me down, not even attempting to hide her disgust. She didn't stare at Pope like that. Just me.
It stung just a little bit.

Kiara looked like she was holding back a tidal wave of tears. Her face was flushed, and her eyes looked shiny. I wanted to hold her.

"JJ and Pope have helped me more than you and Dad ever have!" After yelling, she cupped a hand to her mouth instinctively. Regretting what she had said. If ever spoke like that to my Dad like that, I would've been dead on the floor.

Her mother looked shocked and angry. And then we heard it. The impact of the slap was ringing in my ears. Kiara had stumbled backward, holding her cheek. She looked frightened and appalled. I could tell her mother didn't mean to do that; as she looked stricken with guilt shortly after. Pope didn't move, or blink. He was just as shocked as I was.


"M'am?" I interrupted. My fists began to ball, and I could feel my knuckles tighten.


The side of my face stung. I attempted to swallow the growing lump in my throat, but I was unsuccessful. My mother had slapped me. I didn't want to cry. But I couldn't help it.


My gaze averted from my mother to JJ. His eyes had turned dark. His mouth was pressed into a thin line, and his jaw was clenched so hard, I thought he'd break his own skull. His hands were balled so tight, his entire upper hand went stark white. I could see the veins pop out.

With every step JJ took closer, she took one back. She was backed up against the railing of our porch. JJ was close enough that they looked like they were about to kiss.

"Please don't hit your daughter. Coming from someone who goes through that and mo- coming from her best friend, it won't help her. Don't take your emotions out on Kiara. She doesn't deserve it."

When he spoke, his voice was strained yet calm. Like something was trying to crawl its way out. I almost didn't notice it; but since I was looking a little harder, I was able to see that JJ had tears forming at his eyelids. He was trying so hard to keep his built up feelings tucked away inside.

My mom didn't say a word; she stood there quietly, looking like a deer in headlights. A part of her wanted to confront him right back; and another knew he was right. She turned back to me.

"It's your choice. You go with them, I'm giving up on you. I hope you make the right decision."

I looked between my mom and my boys frantically, looking for an answer. Looking for someone to sway my opinion. I wanted help, but I knew I had to choose.

"I-I'm sorry." The words jumbled out, feeling gross and thick. Like melted gum on a hot sidewalk. My voice felt like it was breaking.
I met my mom's gaze one last time, before grabbing JJ's hand. I led him back to the car.

My mom didn't utter a word; she just shook her head, turned on her heel, and exited the scene. The wind chimes on the door knob cracked together due to the impact of the slam.


"It's fine. Let's go." Without looking at either of them, I opened the car door and buckled myself in the middle seat. They stood there silently for a moment, and exchanged a worried glance before getting into the car shortly after me. JJ in the driver's seat, Pope in the passenger closest to the right. I felt Pope's hand lay on my thigh, his thumb rubbing little circles.
It didn't feel good. I was sick of all this shit.


"I was just trying to-"

"I don't care."

Pope removed his hand and turned away. Tears started pooling at my eyes once more.
JJ didn't put his hand on my thigh.
He didn't assume that was the way I wanted to be comforted.

JJ put his hand on the back of my chair, using the other to steer the wheel in a circle, backing out of my driveway. The gravel crunched beneath the tires. He stepped on the breaks, making us slightly lurch forward.
To make things worse, he wasn't even wearing his seat belt.

"Shit, sor-"

"JJ! Put your fucking seatbelt on!"

He jumped, and removed one hand from the wheel to fumble with the belt buckle. There was a small click.

"Sorry, sorry! Jesus!"

Pope took in a breath before speaking, exasperated.

"So, what's the plan now?"

There was a brief moment of silence before JJ turned to face Pope.

"We're gonna find John b." He stated confidently, smirking at the both of us.



"There she be!"

Kiara and Pope looked anything but impressed. Kie scoffed and kicked at a pebble on the ground.

"That's gonna help us find John b? I love our boat, but we're totally gonna get capsized in those waters."

Pope pointed towards the elephant in the room. The HMS. I'd stole some fuel to get her up and running once again. With pride, I strode over to her, and ran my hand against her smooth edges.

"She's beautiful." I found myself whispering in awe. I could basically head Kiara rolling her eyes.

I started her up, and hopped in. The boat swayed slightly on the water from the rev of the engine. I signaled for the pogues to hop on.

"Come on!"

Pope smiled, looking between me and Kiara.

"I missed this, guys. Being together."

The waves lapping against the sand was a prominent noise; I turned back to the pogues.


Pope had pulled Kiara into a deep kiss. She cupped his face gently in her hands, smiling into the kiss.
I watched as they pulled back from each other.

"You can't stay mad at me, Kie."

Pope was grinning, and Kiara returned it with a scoff.


I turned away. I heard them giggling.

Watching that was painful as fuck.

Reminded me of when Pope first kissed her when we were covering for John b. The air was hot and humid. The sun was spilling across the water like a broken lava lamp.
I remember standing there motionless. Watching them made me feel helpless and weak. Watching their kiss. It hurt. It hurt so bad.
I couldn't say anything, though. Kie and Pope would be good together. He was good for her.
It all feels like a steak to the heart.
A hand pulling back on my shoulder made me jump.

"Hey, you okay?"

Suddenly, I felt like throwing up all over the ground. I'd let my emotions escape my body through vomit. Literal word vomit.
Anything would be better than talking about it.
I could smell her signature pineapple sunscreen. She was standing dangerously close to me. I could feel her soft hair brush my shoulder.

"I'm fine. Can you leave me the fuck alone?"

I don't know why it came out so harshly. Fuck.
The expression on her face made me want to almost cry.
She didn't say a word. She simply turned away, and made her way back to Pope, who was sitting on the sand, watching the sea. I watched as she sat down right next to him. I watched as he intertwined his hand with hers.

I loathed feeling like this. It hurts too much.
I hadn't noticed that I began shaking. I was fucking trembling. My knees gave way. I collapsed to the ground. My vision started unfocusing. I wasn't sure if I fainted, but...
I don't want to fight anymore.

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