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I was rubbing the back of JJ's head, and running my fingers through his thick sun kissed hair. He had fallen asleep on my lap, his eyes fluttered shut and his mouth slightly agape. I couldn't help the smirk that pulled at the end of my lip.


I put a finger up to my lips. Pope made an effort to lower his voice, as he was careful not to wake sleeping beauty snoozing on my lap.

"...I-I think we should probably talk. About us." He gestured between the two of us, looking at the ground. We had been on the boat for almost 5 and a half hours, I think. I didn't really have the best conception of time. The sky was beginning to darken, and the wisps of clouds had started to clear up. It was pretty.

"Yeah. I think so too, Pope."

He awkwardly scratched the back of his head, and flashed me a goofy, yet sad smile. I peered back down at JJ. He let out a quiet, sleepy moan before adjusting his sleeping position and letting his arm limply rest around my waist.

His eyes were still puffy from crying earlier. It made me feel a tidal wave of such guilt; my stomach started to churn. He never deserved any of this.

"...It's my fault he broke down like that. I triggered so many emotions..." Pope was muttering to himself, loud enough so I could hear. "...I'm sorry I called you a bitch. You didn't deserve that..."

I would always forgive him, because he was the most intelligent out of all of us. Usually when any of us made a stupid decision, he always had the clearest mind. He would know what to do.
Like the time JJ had gotten his head stuck inside John b's couch. They were bickering about which ice cream flavor was better.
They tackled each other to the ground, yelling at each other between punches and shoves.

"Man, you know I'm right! Chocolate is the fucking bomb! It's like sex in your mou-"

"I. Don't. Care! Vanilla has less ingredients, and you know I get nauseous when I eat any other type of ice cream!"

"What are you, on my strange addictio-"

John b had managed to push JJ's head in between the couch cushions.

"Mmph! MMMPHHH!!"

Pope was the one to pull him out, and break up the fight. He had told them to wait, while he went out and got ice cream for everyone. I had to basically tie JJ up to prevent him from punching John b.

JJ had eyed me up and down confidently, while his dimple deepened as he began to smile.

"Ooh, I didn't strike you as someone with a rope kink-"

"Do you have a death wish, or something?" I said through gritted teeth, tightening the bandana around his hands.

"N-no m'am!" He began to sweat, his face turning red.

That day was hilarious. I remember every single moment of it.

We never had a dull moment together, any of us. It always felt like every day was a party. Or some sort of illegal adventure.

I reached over and took Pope's quivering hand in mine, and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"We're okay. It's fine." I gave him a small nod.

He looked sheepish, but he seemed to stop being hard on himself. He put his other hand back on the wheel, and continued watching the motion of the ocean.

"Mmph. You smell good." JJ mumbled, rubbing his big hand on my knee.

I giggled.
I didn't push his hand away.



Am I in heaven? sure feels like it.
I'm resting on two smooth, buttery thighs. All I smell is pineapple sunscreen. A hand is gently stroking my forehead. I For the first time in a long, fucking time.
...I must be in heaven.

I slowly opened my eyes, the sun rays hitting my irises. Ow. Jesus Christ.
I sat up, rubbing my eyes.

"What happened?" My voice felt raspy and thick. I turned around, and Kiara was sitting in the cockpit next to me.

"You were asleep for a while. You fell asleep on my legs. I don't know how I let you do that." She rolled her eyes, trying to hide a smile.

I gasped dramatically, widening my eyes.

"Y-you mean... those delicious, incredible soft thighs I was resting on... were YOURS?" I made sure to point at her, letting my jaw drop to the floor. I tried to move on and forget what had happened a few hours earlier. Another one of my coping methods; humor.

"Don't make a big deal out of it, unless you want to be thrown in the ocean." She spoke sarcastically.

I gave her a small salute. "Yes, cap'n."

"I'm guessing the beautiful blonde princess is awake?" Pope had to yell over the wake behind us. He was going faster.

I stretched my arms over my head, letting out a lion roar of a yawn. "Yup."

He looked back at me with a hint of sadness, and turned back to the ocean.

"So, we almost at Nassau? It feels like we've been traveling for years now. Goddamn." I sat down next to Kie, attempting to put my arm around her, but I was unsuccessful as she slinked away, under my touch.

I scoffed, trying not to be hurt. "Whatever, you had a bug on your shoulder."

"Oh really now?" She stood up, standing a few feet taller than me. Only because I was sitting down. Don't go thinking I'm a fucking small fry.

She moved closer.

"A-a bug. Y-yeah. A wasp l-lookin' thing. Big. Yellow..."

In that moment, the way she was looking down at me, made me want to grab her by that pretty little throat and slam her against a wall. With her consent of course, I'd love to fuck the shit out of her. But she wouldn't find that out for a while.

I'd make her sweat.
Game. On.

I decided to think about sex instead of unresolved issues.
There was still tension between us.
That was good, right?
But I still couldn't get her furious, yet hurt face out of my mind from a few hours earlier. The way she shoved me. The way she agreed with Pope. But, also... the way she caressed me in her arms while I was bawling like a fucking infant.

We were soon snapped out of our staring content-trance, by the sound of Pope "whooping". He then turned around excitedly.

"Guys! I think I see an island!"

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