Desire pt. 2

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Bree - nickname JJ has for John b


Some memories pop up in my mind when they're just not supposed to.
They come in small waves.
One- We were about fourteen. Early teens. John b accidentally knocking over a candle and the hot wax steaming my arm. Huffing millions of "oh shits!" And Kiara and Pope screaming.
I didn't really know at the time, but I found out later I liked how it burned.
Two- Rose Cameron inching her hand up my shirt. Whispering that no one had to know. No one had to find out. We wouldn't get caught, she'd murmur, like a moody raven, as those creepy eyes of hers bore into my brain.
I can't stand the smell of roses to this day.
Three- Us pogues finding a cliff side and cannon balling off the edge, sending gravel in our wake and the water smacking our bodies on the way down. "Hallucinogenics" was blasting on Bree's small radio.
And four.
I had forgot about this specific one for a few weeks surprisingly.
But it always comes back to harshly sink fangs into my tight ass-
Kiara and I riding the shit out of each other while we were blitzed out of oblivion.

That's the thing though. Neither of us can remember any of the details unless we're high outta our minds.

I know it was the best sex of my goddamn life, of course. Anyone would know that. Sex with Kiara is like finding a fucking crown jewel in a lake nearby.


I can't help wonder if she'd actually ever bring it up again.



This is reminding me of when JJ and I fucked.

That's the thing, though. The both of us are unable to remember anything- unless we're really high.

That's when everything all comes flooding back like a tidal wave.

Anyway, I don't even have words for the amount of emotions I'm feeling right now. JJ's scent wafts around me, a mix of washed out sea salt, gun leather, and some weed. It's intoxicating; and I try to resist it; but I just can't get enough.

And the worst part is, I can feel him slowly.... very slowly beginning to harden under me. He gently bucks his hips upward to make himself more comfortable. A little groan escapes his lips, which causes a burning hot sensation from my cheeks. He mumbles a "sorry" before I'm frozen on his lap, the bloody cloth shaky in my hand.

I force out a scowl instead. "Are you fucking hard right now?" I whisper-yell.

I'm not going to lie to myself right now- I'm getting pretty horny. And maybe it's just because he's got one of his large hands coiled around my waist, lightly touching my skin, the coolness of his rings causing me to flinch.

JJ's eyes lazily wander down to my legs around his, my accidental- grinding on his dick as I try and dab his cut to get a better angle.

"Yeah, kinda." The way he answers so honestly sends an unwanted acid rush through the bottom line of my stomach.


At this point, it just feels like I'm in denial.

In the wise words of Bob Marley, "Wake up and live".

Fuck it.

I speak quietly. "I'm not sorry."

JJ's mouth opens slightly and he blinks. His eyes slowly, very leisurely stroke down my body- eyelids halfway over his eyes, lazy, shameless look on his face- he looks fucking starving.

His tongue runs over his lips before meeting my eyes again. I steal a quick glance at Pope, whilst my heart beats loudly in my ears. He's in such a deep sleep, he looks like he's in a trance. His eyeballs dart back and forth behind his eyeballs- he's dreaming.

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