The Vampire...Babysitter?

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It was about 15 minutes since Serena left the apartment, and Ash was yearning for her to come back already.

"I'll be back in a few, I promise." Were the last words he heard before she stepped out the door. Bored, he decided to walk around the apartment until he stopped at a pink frame that was hung up on Serena's wall.

It was a picture of her and 4 other girls; two sitting on either side of Serena, two standing behind her. The girl on the left side of Serena had brown hair and green eyes. The other had blonde hair and pink eyes. They were Melody and Emily, Serena's work friends.

One of the girls behind her was a blue brunette with sharp orange eyes, the other had brown hair and green eyes. They were Miette and Shauna, Serena's high school friends.

Ash smiled and thought to himself that Serena must've been very outgoing and sweet if she had that much friends.

Then again, the way she acted at home erased all those thoughts. Ash couldn't understand how someone with personalities like hers, was able to switch to a completely opposite person outside the house.

Ash paused to himself as he sat down on the couch. He needed to fit in with society, but was he able to make friends like a normal human being? Surely if Serena was able to, then he could as well, right?

The only downside was that he was nervous of revealing his identity to anyone else. By far, the only person who knew he was a vampire was Serena, and Serena only. So what would happen to him if more people found out? Would they hurt him? Would they hurt Serena, or try to take her away?

Ash's thoughts were thankfully pushed away when he heard the door open. Glancing over at Serena, before he could say anything, he saw what was in her arms.

In her right arm held a mildly large bright pink bag filled with baby items. In her left arm, was a pink baby carseat, currently covered by a bright pink animal blanket.

"Serena, what's this...? You went to adopt a baby?" Ash asked her.

"What? No, this isn't my baby, silly." Serena giggled. "It's my friend's baby, I volunteered to babysit for her while she's out of town."

Ash had never seen a human infant before, let alone any vampire babies. He'd only seen a vampire infant once or twice, but never knew much about them at all. A vampire's only source of food at infancy is blood, so what was a human's food source at that age?

Ash watched as Serena set the bag down on the floor, then quietly placed the carseat next to Ash as she sat down as well.

"Wanna see her?" Serena said. "I've only seen the baby once, so I'm excited about babysitting her."

"Yeah, sure..."

Serena slowly removed the baby blanket, which was covering the carseat. Inside was an infant, with tiny brown hair, and a pink flower pacifier.

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