How to Weeb Your Vampire

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(I swear why are y'all so thirsty for this story lmao)

(Nonetheless people been asking me to update even tho it's been 3 days so here)


On a quiet, but stormy Sunday afternoon, Serena was the one who was home alone this time. Ash had to go check on his peers back at his vampire world, and he had to leave before Serena woke up.

But that was two hours ago, and Serena herself was already up and doing nothing but watching anime shows while eating snacks.

She realized how unusually quiet it was in the apartment, just how it was before Ash arrived. The usual, boring routine she had. Waking up, going to work, coming home from work, and doing nothing until she wanted to go to bed.

Serena never noticed how eventful her life had gotten after Ash came crashing in. She had someone to be around, share thoughts with, go places with, and even if they were in the house, it wasn't lonely, quiet and boring.

It was true that she missed him, just a little. But Serena couldn't do anything but wait until he came back.

And on top of that, Serena had been eating nothing but snacks since she woke up, so she was definitely hungry. Making her way to the kitchen, she was looking at items to cook when she felt a cold wind behind her. That familiar feeling.

It was Ash teleporting himself back. The same way when they first met.

Once Ash's body had finally regenerated itself, Serena didn't hesitate to latch herself onto him.

"There's a ghost in my apartment." She said.

"I thought we agreed to not call me that from day one."

"I'm joking, I'm joking." Serena giggled. "So what'd you go do?"

"I didn't have to do much but check on my people and see if they're okay. My sister doesn't really know how to keep things in order, but she proved me wrong this time."

"...You have a sister?" Serena asked.

"Yeah, her name's Alison. My twin."

"And I guess she's more nicer than you, right?" Serena jokingly said

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"And I guess she's more nicer than you, right?" Serena jokingly said.

"Actually, she's mean. Not really mean, but she sure is a bitch." Ash said.

"Ash, that's your sister."

"Chill out. To her, that's always a compliment."

"So you left her in charge once you came here?" She asked.

"Yeah- wait, what the fuck is playing on the TV?"

Serena, had indeed left her anime on the television. It was a magical show about a magical girl, but when Ash saw it, she was currently slaughtering two guys.

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