chapter 4: B-brother?!

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Stil aizawas POV

Me: yes he's innocent but...

Bakugou: But WHAT?!

Me: *sigh* he escaped prison by 2 villains taking him with them...

God that was so hard to say than i thought oh well got to deal with it i wonder what bakugou and todoroki are thinking about they were close to midoriya

Todoroki's POV

I-i couldn't believe what i heard midoriya was innocent and i didn't believe him... oh god what kind of friend am i. I failed to be friends with Midoriya and now he's gone...

Im sorry

Bakugou POV

I knew it! I knew deku wouldn't be a traitor. I knew him from childhood of course he will never be a villain but now he's gone but I'm sure he'll be found soon...

Meanwhile with deku :)

Deku's POV

I escaped prison and now I'm on the run with my father All For One and my newest friend overhaul (he has his arms). Once we were very from civilizacion, my dad called kurogiri overhaul went in but before dad went in also i asked him,

"Dad...will they hurt me?" to be honest i was scared i wasn't going to be accepted and just torture me... my dad said, "son their not going to hurt you im sure shigaraki will accept you as family since he always wanted a brother but i think he'll be surprised when he see you but everything is going to be okay..." I calmed down and I answered "thanks dad" "your welcome so now lets go" i nodded.

Dad went in then next I went in. When I went in I was behind dad and all eyes were on us.

Third POV

The league was doing their normal routine until a warp gate opened they all look at it curious, first they saw overhaul the league was not happy since they did not like each other in the past, then after 5 minutes all for one came they were happy their leader was back especially shiggy but after their leader someone else entered but hid behind AFO shigaraki was the first one to speak up, "master who is that person behind you?..."

AFO was a little nervous that when they saw his son they would start attacking, he finally took a deep breath and answered, "this is my son shigaraki and once you see him don't attack him..."

The lov were surprised that their leader had a son but at the same time curious of why they would start attacking but soon they found their answer. They came out from behind AFO, it was izuku midoriya who was avoiding eye contact with anyone.

Toga was ready to run to him until AFO spoke, "what did i tell you about attacking my son..." of course toga backed away, shigaraki spoke once again, "master what is going on?How is your son a hero in training?" AFO tooked a deep breath and signaled Shiggy to follow him.

Once they were alone, a family of 3, Shiggy yelled, "there's no way he's my brother!"

Izuku backed away a little he knew he wasn't going to be accepted he was used to it since he was young but this hurt because shiggy was family, AFO started talking "tomura he is your brother and it's your job to protect him now" "but why didn't i know this" "because heroes were tracking me down so i had to flee i couldn't let my family be endangered because of me i never thought i will see him again..." everything was quiet for a few minutes until shiggy asked, "may i speak to you alone father?..." All for one nodded and told Izuku to leave.

Once they heard the door close they both looked at each other and shigaraki said "i planned getting rid of class 1A best student and that student was my brother izuku midoriya so we framed him..." but before tomura can continue All for one caught up on what he said, "so the lov was the one to frame him and threw him to prison..." shigaraki nodded, "it's okay tomura it's kinda my fault for not telling you about my son but now he's on our side" tomura smiled "great" "now i want you to make izuku feel home here while i have things to do." "got it"

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