chapter 7: the new villain...

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*another month later*

Things for UA were not going so great

Pro heroes are still looking for the 2 villains and the hero but no luck, they were starting to lose hope but continued anyway. Once again we must join our heroes to a new UA staff meeting...

Nezu started talking this time, "so any luck my friends?" all the staff looked at each other then they all responded no, "hmm that is a problem..." nezu said while taking a sip from his tea. So the heroes spoke random stuff about the students and school till the news came out just like last time...

NEWS: breaking news a mall collapsed killing at least 20 people and injuring 30. From what we see in the security camera *show security camera footage* It appears to be a new villain, someone we never seen before and looks smart so keep your eyes peeled everyone and now we....wait, there's seems ladies and gentlemen that the villain left a message a video to be exact...

"So do we watch it..." midnight ask "we should, we cant ignore something like this even if we're looking for the other villains" nezu answered, "shh it about to start" said Mic.

VIDEO: *robotic deep voce* Hello everyone! You might be wondering what is all of this?

Well I guess you already know what I am if you don't know I'm your new neighborhood villain!

Exciting isn't it? :)

Now destroying the building was just an introduction. Soon you all will suffer by my hands especially to those people who betrayed me!... HEROES! If you're watching this then beware because UA is my main threat!...

Soon japan will know the truth, THE WORLD WILL KNOW THE TRUTH OF YOU HEROES! Ta ta~


Well that was beware everyone of villain gakuso and that's all for today thanks for your time...

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