chapter 6:my family

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Izuku's POV

It's been a month since I escaped from prison and am living with the LOV and to be honest I'm more happy than I was in the USA. When I was in UA I had to fake a smile sometimes and hide my real feelings but now I'm free to express myself. I've been training because now I'm quirkless. My dad offered me a quirk but I said no since I want to show the heroes what a quirkless person can do. Now let me tell you about my family. :)

First there is my best friend toga! She used to be soooo obsessed with me and I'm going to admit I was a little nervous but once I got to know her more she began to be more calm around me though sometimes she asks for my blood and of course I give her some. We go shopping and we also have sleepovers in each other's rooms. And sometimes I kill with her...

Anyways next we have dabi. He is kind of a brother which made tenko jealous so now both are arguing who is the best brother and if it gets too much i stop them. I'm the best little bwother UwU. Also i found out his true identity even if i already met him i guess it was my analyzing skills. I haven't told him that I knew because it is a secret right? Well what dabi and i do well we just chill nothing much.

Now tenko! He's the best brother I could ever have. He's there for me when I'm at my lowest and me to him, we both love gaming though sometimes we end a game with a tie. I helped him with his quirk and taught him how to activate and deactivate his quirk so now he can use all 5 fingers. We help mamagiri who i think of a mother. We go for walks, watch movies and I sometimes sleep in his room since I have nightmares. I'm very grateful for him.

Oh i almost forgot about kai he's also part of the brother rivalry. We love experimenting so we did a couple of potions together and at the end of the day we play a game. If we're not making potions we're probably outside killing people (overhaul has le arms).

And finally my dad. All for one he's very caring, always checks on me and tenko, sometimes makes dinner but also sometimes burns the food. It's quite funny.


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