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I slid down the door.

No way.

I'm pregnant with my ex's baby.

Tommy knocked on the door and I couldn't bring myself to answer so I just balled up and cried.

"Serenity I'm sorry that was unfair of me. The choice is yours. Call me and let me know what you decide. " he kissed my forehead before taking one more glance at the test and leaving.

I don't know how long I was sitting there but I heard my phone next to me. I turned it on do not disturb and laid down on the cold floor.

Soon everything went dark.


My alarm went off in my ear and I drug myself off the floor. My body was sore and in pain from sleeping on the hard floor. My eyes were puffy and low.

I sighed looked at the missed calls and messages I got overnight.

Lai (10) Tony (5)

I turned off my phone and started getting ready.


Arriving to work I guess you could see that I looked like shit. To be honest I didn't put in to much effort to change that.

I was so in my head and out of it that I totally missed my co-worker Joyce calling my name.

"Huh?" I asked snapping out of it. "You don't have work today ma'am. This floor is off today for a deep clean." She said giving a smile.

"Oh okay I'm sorry." I gave a slight smile and turning around.

Getting back in my car I looked at my stomach and began to cry.

I'm not one to abort a baby but I'd this really what I wanna do.

Do I wanna do this with him?

I was broken out of my thoughts when my phone started ringing.

"Hello." I answered tiredly.

"Hey- you okay girl?" Lai's voice rang through the phone.

"Yea I'm fine what did you need?"

"Oh girl lemme tell you........" I began tuning her out before slowly lowering the phone and eventually hanging up.

I didn't feel like doing anything but balling up and crying in my bed. And thats exactly what I intended to do.

Getting home I noticed my door was open. Knowing who it was this time I didn't even bother pulling out anything.

I opened the door to see Tony, Lai, and Lani.

They released a breathe when I entered as Lani continued to sleep on her palette on the couch.

"Ri." Lai began getting up and walking towards me. I stayed limp and unbothered keeping my tears at bay.

I don't cry infront of people. Not any more at least.

"What's going on with you? You have us worried sick about you." She asked checking me out.

"Follow me." I get out of her grasp and drag myself to the bathroom with them close behind.

I pulled the test out the drawer and laid them out.

Tony looked taken aback and Lai looked like her eyes were about to pop out her head.

"But I thought he didn-" "He said he had cancer and wanted a piece of him left here. He swapped my birth control for ibuprofen." I cut Lai off.

They stood there shocked. I don't wanna be sad anymore. I'm gonna keep the baby. I wanted one. Now they are here.

"I'm keeping it."

They looked at me like i grew a 3rd eye.

"Laila can I talk to Serenity real quick?" Tony finally spoke up. She looked between me and him and nodded sliding out between his big frame.

He stepped completely into the bathroom closing the door.

"So...a baby huh?" "Yep. My baby." He nodded looking at me.

"Well, I want to you and if this is what you want then...its what I want too." I was shocked but as I was comprehending he had pulled me into a hug ending with a kiss.

I smiled and hugged him one last time before leaving the bathroom to see my baby Lani was waking up.

"Aunty Ri?" She asked wiping the sleep out her eyes.

I grabbed her began tickling and playing with her. Her laughs and giggles filled the room as I tossed and threw her up in the air.

Lai and Tony watched smiling. Lai smiled at me. I could see so much in just that nod. And since we were on the same page I returned the gesture.


I was sitting in bed and making my first appointment to see a doctor for the baby.

"Hello" a ladies voice rang through the phone.

"Hi I would like to book a first time ultrasound." I heard her shuffling before coming back.

"Okay will tomorrow at 10:30am work?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Okay great see you tomorrow."

"See you."

Now I texted Tommy that the first appointment was tomorrow. He answered saying he would meet me there and thanked me for telling him.

Then I emailed my job and told them I would be there a little later.

This may had been unexpected but none the less my dream is coming true.

I sat in the waiting room looking at all the pregnant women around me.

That was going to be me soon enough. I guess now that I see the final picture I'm pretty excited.

I looked over to the door to see a worried Tommy rushing in. He relaxed when his eyes landed on me. I gave him a tight lipped smile and he came and sat down by me.

"I thought I was gonna be late." He stated smiling jokingly. I smiled nodding and continued looking around. I'm still a little mad that he practically forced a baby on me but I don't wanna stress and mess up the baby.

"Serenity?" A nurse popped her head out of a door looking around. "Thats us." I smile getting up. We make our way back and go through all the standard procedures.

Finally its the moment I had been waiting for.

She lifted up my shirt and grabbed some gel. "Okay this will be cold." She smiled and I nodded in acceptance.

She applied the gel and grabbed a mic looking machine. As she rubbed my stomach with the machine I watched the tv. Soon a little bitty baby popped up and a heartbeat echoed through the room.

My heart started fluttering and any ounce of me that doubted having this baby was gone in an instance. My eyes watered as I began to smile uncontrollably. The doctor and Tommy were doing the same.

"Well there goes baby." The doctor stated proudly.

"Thank you so much." I'm looked at her smiling.

"You are so welcome, your pictures will be at the front." I nodded as she wiped the gel off.


I'm really having a baby.

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