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I am not really knowledgeable about village life but I will try my best...


Both of them are sweating like pig..News is in the air - the prince is coming to visit their village for some work...They don’t know which one..

"Kitty I can't take anymore...Today the weather is unbearable... I just want my fishes to sell and go home.."

"After selling I have to buy some potatoes too..."

"All right!"

"Oh before I forget I saw uncle Phun today.."

"He must be for that prince.."

"They and their lavish life!Wherever they goes their servants will be there at service..."

Beam rolls his eyes.."Who cares?They have money,power so they use that...We don’t have so we work.."

"I think Win will be back too...Now that uncle can't take care of everything..."

"I was missing him..He told me he will fix my net...I need it badly.."

"Oh there's uncle Phun..."

"Sawadee khrap uncle Phun...I heard you will stay in the village..!"

"Sawadee khrap...I will be in the village for some days cleaning up the villa and cooking also..."

"So it’s true prince is coming..."

"Yes..He has some work here..."


"Your fishes look fresh..."

"We caught them today..." Beam grins


"Win will work with you?"

"Yes...I already call him to come early from aunt's house..."

"Ok..sons stay here...I have to go...I was here to buy new brooms..."



"Kitty help me tomorrow...I will re -dig some canal and mend some aisles that destroy earlier...I will bring my spade...You bring yours...Grandpa alone can't finish..."




"You soaked..Come inside...Where is your umbrella? "

"I give that to grandpa...Can I curse this rain?"

"Don't!!It is much needed rain...Last night I couldn’t sleep...Too hot...My hand is still hurting to operate hand fan whole night!"

"Give me a towel..."


Beam sits down at Kit's porch and try to analyse the weather to estimate when rain will stop...

"I think we need to wait for another hour..."

"Mom is making some steamed cake...Let's eat then..and pass time..."



"Curse the network!Come on come on!"

"Yes!" Forth just gobble up his phone because finally he gets a connection...Already he could guess village network will suffer him to the core...And with added bad weather he shouldn’t raise expectations...

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