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I didn’t check mistakes.Please excuse na..
Writing whatever is coming into mind..😁


"Can you believe we had to cook 32 items for one person?And what he did?Ate just 4 items...!"

"Such a waste!"

''Items must be sumptuous right?Ah I wish I could taste a bit!"

Beam smacks Kit's head...

"Ouch!Come on...Royal foods must be delicious!'' Kit pouts..His mother is right!If they had money they could enjoy tasty foods..

"Father with other chefs are working hard...I helped them as much as I can."

"Hey Win next time you can call us..We can help you..."

"No need..You guys can catch fishes instead and supply there..Father said he saw you selling fish in the market.."

"Extra income" ...Beam grins..

"You are seriously determined to buy your beauty.."

"Can't wait!"


Forth met the head of the village...He also checked some tax papers..He also asks for documents of accounts...


"Fufu how's going on?"

"I am checking documents and ask for some more..."

"Hmm...That's good but tell you one thing!You can call it a life lesson after ruling all these years..Theory always doesn’t work...You need practical knowledge... For practical knowledge you must see the roots...You must see where and for whom you are working...Understand?"

''Yes grandpa..."


"That vixen takes my place!!What is she thinking of herself huh?As if I don’t have any place to go!River is far better than pond.."

"Cool down bro!"

"She always challenges me!"

"I know!Now take all those clothes...After washing we will bathe directly..No fishing...I am not in mood.."




Beam and Kit walks on the narrow aisles near paddy field...Cool breeze touches their skin..Rain stopped one hour ago..but path is still a bit slippery...

"Kitty I was thinking we will bring our net to catch fishes during rain..I feel fun each time.."

"My net is torn..Win can fix that.."

"Poor Win!Can't even take breathe...Working for royals are not easy..Look at uncle Phun...continuously working.."

Kit nods


Both of them rubbing their clothes with soap and splash water...vigorously..

"Hey Kitty relax!Your clothes will tear apart.."

"Done homework?"

"Not yet.."

"Exactly...I haven’t yet and if mom knows no food for today..I will go home early and finish them...My stomach is calling for foods..."

"You will get fat eating too much!"

"On my defence mom cooks too tasty..."

"That’s true though.."


"This river is the main source of water for our corps your highness.Though this year we are blessed with rain...We had mono croping before..Only paddy..but now that with his majesty gives his mercy and kindness more on us farmers' pathetic life we are blessed...After paddy these fields will be full of jutes,wheats or potatoes.."

Village head asks one of the servants around..."Whose field is this one?"



Forth's listens everything and calculates in mind...He read about agriculture but thinking about it his grandpa is right!He needs to learn from the field..

Forth could feel It's tough to walk in narrow paths..He could feel others are walking slowly for his sake..

Forth likes this weather..

Cool breeze,green field swaying...He never really felt freedom but here he feels free...

He stops at a place...Others follow along..

Forth saw many people are rowing boats,fishing,bathing...oh and two boys washing clothes too...

Forth squints his eyes...Looking at their back he felt familiar..

'Don't tell me those are dirty boys!'

Forth tries to figure out whether his gut feeling is true!


Forth couldn’t get up because how much he tries but he can't balance his feet on slippery road..His bodyguard and other people with him try to help but Forth forbid them..He wants to stand up on his own.

Beam and Kit gapes at them..Beam was about to laugh unconsciously but Kit knows Beam well so before any mishap happens. He pressed his palm on his lips...so Beam could only titters...

"Ssshh!He is a prince for God sake Beamiiee..Behave!"

After struggle for a while Forth could hold himself up but his clothes were stained..He tries to wipe but that's not possible right?

"Your highness please let's go back..You will fall sick.."

Forth nods..

He looks back at two...

Both of them froze and hurriedly resume their work..

Forth sighs..

With the help of others he walks back carefully...

Beam and Kit stopped their work and look at the back of prince..

"Walking on village paths during rain without experience...!

What a stupid guy!"


Forth fell....but not in love...

Beam is callous about prince...

How will they fall in love at this rate?!!!

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