Too Much Work!

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I took short break due to brain fog.I thought I could take a rest but couldn’t.

So it’s better writing or at least try..


Forth dazed up...

In his whole life he never face such disaster..

He should have been felt embarrassed but...

"Your highness prince please change your dress..Weather is bad..Another set of rain will come soon.."

Phun stood at a corner looks all worried..But looking down because he doesn’t want to make prince uncomfortable with the unfortunate event..

Then Phun thought it’s inappropriate to stay while changing so go outside to come after some minutes to pick up the basket of dirty clothes..

Forth comfortably sitting at the bed shows his back..

Phun silently about to take the basket -

"You can buy a laundry soap with 10 baht?"

Phun startled at such question...

'How does he know?'

"Umm...your highness yes we can buy here..Those are low quality soaps..coarse and irritating for skin sometimes..only fragrant but cheap..Villagers can't afford good one so..."

But then he realise something..His eyes got big...

"Your highness we won't use those for your clothes...!!!!I can assure you that!We brought your toiletries from palace already..Your shower gel to laundry soup, washing powder everything..You can rest assured.."

Is it easy to wash.....?Forget it..

Give me a soap bar!"

Phun gaped at him like a fish out of water..

"Your highnesses!!Please believe me I brought your everything..!" Phun looks desperate..

"I know..Give me one..I will clean my clothes.."

Phun felt his body has been drained of blood..He knelt down suddenly...

"Your highnesses please forgive us..!!This village doesn’t have all the privileges but...please forgive us!We can't provide palace like facilities but we can assure you we will find everything best for your highness..We won't neglect in serving your highness. "

"Stand up please...I decide to do it with my own hand..You don’t need to worry about it..No one will
sue you..Put the basket down and bring me soap.."

Forth looks super serious..

Phun though hesitated at first but looking at his face compelled...

Putting the basket he hurried to bring the soap..He is still confused..They have 10 servants to do all the households chores plus cooking..Even his own son is helping..If he needs more he can always call Beam and Kit..They are good kids..

"Win says right!This rich people are whimsical!"

Inside the room -

"Is it that good?"

Knock knock..


Forth notices Phun who hesitates but put everything inside washroom..This village is not advanced.They don't have washing machine..It was not needed here beacause no one from royal family ever visited this village..
They would do washing manually...

Now prince will have to wash it manually who has no experience...

"You may go now.."

Forth jumped out after Phun close the door..He is excited..He opens the soap packet...takes the basket inside washroom...

"Now what?" He suddenly felt like a fool...

He has no idea how to wash clothes!

"Mobile!" He tries to get internet connection may be can get a tutorial there...

"Damn it!The signal is super low..."

With frustration he goes back to try..

"Umm..that guy pour water and scrub the dress with something..may be soap..Let's try.."

After a while his hands,dress,ankles everything is full of lather..but he still scrub the dress..

"Am I doing right?"

He rubs more..Mud is still stuck.

"My hand is hurting! "


He felt is whole body is sticky after awhile ..He didn’t notice he was sweating that much..The work is too much...

Just like when he works out or having sword practice..

After washing with water he felt though the dress is not properly clean but at least presentable..

He could see himself in the mirror - exhausted, sweaty,soaked..

"I need to take shower.."

Forth changed his dress after shower...

He slumped into the bed...Looking towards the ceiling..

"I thought washing clothes are easy but it's tough than I thought...How could he enjoy that much?

How could he be happy?He was smiling and laughing while doing such tough job..!"

Forth was confused as hell...

'That pure smile!'


Our foolish prince is confused about what attracted him - washing clothes or pure smile or the person who smiles purely...

But we know right! 😉

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