Chapter Four

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I need to move.

Shifty slowly ate the food that Cuddles had given to him. His stomach was jumping and twisting in knots at the hunger that hit him suddenly when he smelt the food wafting throughout the house. He hadn't been eating the last few weeks, dying a few times from starvation. His body always reset to literally the last time he had put anything in his body that wasn't alcohol. He kept his composure despite his body's best attempt to shake and practically fall while it was being given nutrition.

He glanced over at Cuddles, who was staring intently at him. He tried not to react as he looked back down at his plate. He wanted to push it away in defiance, but he was too hungry to do so. He had two extra plates, stuffing himself until he was no longer hungry. Cuddles continued to watch him like a hawk.

He felt a shiver go through him at the piercing eyes that watched him. Those eyes used to be innocent and sweet. Now, they were predatory. No matter how many times he told Cuddles to stay away, the rabbit only got closer. Shifty knew that if he let Cuddles have his way again, he would get devoured. The relentlessness of the blond was always a surprise.

"You need to eat more."

Shifty snapped his head up, a glare in his eyes as he snapped back, "Why don't you mind your own business?"

"I would if I could. But you haven't been taking care of yourself."

"That's none of your business. We're not fucking friends."

Cuddles stood, causing Shifty to stand, ready to run. Cuddles smiled and walked around the little island. Shifty turned to run, but a strong grip on his wrist stopped him. He winced at the pain from his wrist, confused. Cuddles never hurt him before, but the pain was different. Familiar.

Cuddles yanked him close and pulled down his sleeve. He gasped, trying to pull away, but stopped when he saw the fresh bandage around his wrist. Confusion struck him as he tried to remember how he got hurt. His heart raced as Cuddles moved his hand, gently tracing the bandage, sending shivers up his spine.

"You're cutting again... when did this start?" Cuddles' voice was uncharacteristically serious.

Shifty felt his stomach churn as he tried to rip his arm away, "I haven't started anything again! Let go of me!"

"Is this because of your fight with Lifty?"

Shifty froze and looked at Cuddles with wide eyes. He knew people would find out the brothers had a fight. It would eventually make its way to Cuddles. Shifty knew Lifty was officially dating Splendont just last week when he was at the liquor store. So, at least, his brother was happy now. It only made him angry though. His brother was happy and he was alone and suffering.

I know it's my own fault. But Lifty is my brother. It was supposed to be us against the world.

Shifty began to pull at Cuddles' hand, anger seeping through his muscles, "Let go of me!"

"Shifty, you've been over-indging again, haven't you? Do you remember doing this to yourself? Are you taking your meds like your supposed to? Have you even been getting them?"

Shifty's mind started to muddle in panic and he started screaming, "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!"

He brought his leg up suddenly, hitting Cuddles in the dick. The rabbit yelped, letting go, and sinking to his knees in pain. Shifty fell back, since he was pulling so hard and just barely missed hitting his head on the corner on the kitchen island. He hyperventilated and got up, running out of the kitchen. Cuddles called after him, but he didn't stop as he ran into his room.

The Lonely Rabbit and Broken ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now