Chapter Twenty-Six

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Warning: mildly graphic sexual assault, hurt/comfort

Cuddles reacted before he could think. Dreamy, shot up, his nasty dick hanging out of his pants, trying to block Cuddles as he tackled him away from Shifty. He heard the others run in after him, but his mind went numb as he wrestled to pin Dreamy down. The horse was not going down.

"Get off of me!" He screeched, landing a solid punch on his face.

Cuddles managed to grab one of his hands and kneed his dick hard. Dreamy yelled and convulsed a bit. Splendid came up beside him as Cuddles managed to get his hands together for Splendid to restrain him with a metal pole.

He panted before looking back at Shifty to see Flippy freeing him from his restraints. He crawled over immediately and helped Flippy free him. He removed the gag and pulled his tail free. Before it could curl up and cover Shifty's lower hair, Cuddles happened to glance down to look. His heart sank when he saw blood dripping down his thighs.

Shifty stayed in the same position though. He wouldn't relax or move from where he laid, like his body had gone into shock. In fact, it didn't even look like he was breathing.

"Shifty? Shifty?" Cuddles pleaded, trying to pull his arms away from his back to relax him.

But he was so stiff that he couldn't or wouldn't move. In fact, he hadn't uttered a single sound since Cuddles heard him last. Cuddles panicked, unsure of what to do until Flippy stopped him. He looked at him, confused and scared.

Flippy stared at him for a moment before he turned his attention to Shifty. Slowly, he removed his jacket and covered Shifty with it. The second the jacket touched him, Shifty's body seemed to give out and he let out a fearful cry. Cuddles flinched at the sound, like he was in so much pain.

Shifty finally moved, opting to curl up and cover himself. Cuddles reached out again, but Flippy stopped him. Sobs reached his ears and he felt himself tear up at that. He wanted to hold him so badly, but Flippy wouldn't let him, for whatever reason.

He turned when he heard Dreamy begin to yell.

"You son of a bitch! You think locking me up will stop me? I'll get out! I won't stop until that fucking slut is mine! He will be mine!" Dreamy snarled as Splendid held him back with a pole, completely unwilling to touch the man.

Cuddles felt something stir in him. It was an unfamiliar feeling as he slowly got up and looked between Shifty and Dreamy.

Shifty still laid on the ground, sobbing loudly and trembling. The small puddle of blood that had been between his legs filled him with rage. Dreamy laid against the shed wall, thrashing around a bit, his crusty cock still outside of his pants. It looked cleaned all nastiness aside, so Cuddles must have come before Dreamy had fully raped him. Cuddles looked around and his eyes landed on some gardening scissors.

A sick thought entered his mind as he went over and grabbed it.

Splendid barely had time to register what he was doing before he was knocked out of the way. Dreamy stopped squirming to look at Cuddles, confused as to what he was doing before he rammed the scissors into his pelvis area. He continued to stare at Dreamy, blacking out for a moment from all of the rage that was overflowing in him.

Dreamy screamed as Splendid caught himself, "Cuddles, stop–!"

A sickening squelch had them all freezing. A second later, Dreamy was howling in pain and Cuddles dropped the bloodied scissors onto the ground where his limp dick laid.

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