Pink Pop

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Katsuki, for the longest time, didn't know why he was so fascinated by this. The color "pink".

He dreaded the eye-catching pop of some pinks but the warm and soft hues of it... made him feel...


His mother or father never really particularly liked the color, he could recall, but both of them had said that pink is a nice color and boys should be able to wear it more.

And so, he had full freedom to choose whatever colors he could wear without appearing "out of place". After all, they were colors.

He had been taught from an early age that colors are complex.

They used to play a game, the three of them, where they selected different cards with different colors and sorted them in a diverse myriad of categories.

Warm colors, soft hues, harsh undertones... more and more.

Katsuki developed a sharp eye for color. He frequently helped in choosing different colors and fabrics for his parents' designs. His father called him the "Little Fabric Fairy".

He still does, but rarely. He hates to do it.

One day, Deku gifted him a pink sweater that he sewed himself. It was his eighth Christmas and his mother wasn't there to attend it, due to her being in rehab trying to get "dry". (His auntie, Inko, told him that she was trying to become a better person. Katsuki thought that it had something to do with her sending him to stay at the Midoriyas a bit too often.)

Anyway, the sweater was actually pretty well-made. It had a pastel color theme, with mis-matching sleeves and a little hoodie with colorful fabric fins. (Katsuki's old obsession over mermaids.) And of course, the main color was pink.

'Mama helped a bit, but just a bit,'  Deku said proudly. 'She made the gills.'

'Fins, Deku,'  Katsuki corrected with a delighted giggle. 'How did you get my measurements?'

'Oh that?'  Deku said, grinning his happy jack-o-lantern grin, so happy that he knew what that meant. 'We asked Auntie Suki, she always makes our Halloween costumes, she knows our measurements!'

'Speaking of my Mama,'  Katsuki said, grinning as well. 'She's coming back tomorrow right?'

Deku looked around and spotted his mother in the kitchen, busy cooking the food. He scooted closer to Katsuki and whispered: 'I heard my Mama say that Auntie Suki has to stay at the hospital for a few more weeks. Don't tell her I told you, though, she doesn't know I know this.'

'Oh...Thank you for telling me, Deku.'  Katsuki's smile shrunk so slightly, but Deku couldn't notice.

Of course. She had to stay for more time. "More time gone," Katsuki thought as he slipped into the sweater. The end hovered over his knees, and the sleeves had to bunch together to show his hands. His perfect, preferred measurements.

"How did they get these measurements?" Katsuki thought, twirling in his sweater. Deku clapped joyously and laughed. "I haven't seen Mama in a month. Auntie Inko could have phoned her but when I asked I always get shunned away."

I believe Katsuki still has this sweater. He elongated it into a more recent size when he was ten. He got rid of the fins, however, and transferred them onto the head of a home-made plushie for his mother, when she had to go on a trip to America. She accepted the gift with a bright smile that Katsuki was still proud of. That smile was so rare.

yeah, this is short, but i've been gone so long that i just need to write something. i really don't want to abandon this fic, the characters and personalities stay in my head and i want you guys to be able to actually read my ideas.

words (☞゚ヮ゚)☞: 665

Fun Fact! :D ☞

Katsuki's father is buried in the Haruyume Graveyard, in Haru. Haru means "Spring", and yume means "dream". Spring Dream Graveyard, and it is popular for people who died in Winter, for their only dream was to live long enough to see the Spring. 

(discontinued :(.... Strawberry Hair - Dekubaku Fanfic - BNHAHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin