Another Day! Hurrah!

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The day was long. Unusually so. Minoru could have sworn she saw the clock tick for one more second, but maybe that was just a mindless trick her eyes decided to play on her. After all, today was so very exhausting. And that pop quiz.

Not that she was nervous or anything, one of her confidences was her grades, just...
It was so unexpected.

The day was long. And boring, wait- No. Peaceful. Today was peaceful. No villain attacks or sudden cases of 'oh-my-fucking-god-GENDER'. And then Present Mic struck a pose and shouted out at the top of his lungs, (without his quirk, thank god or whoever),


This jolted everybody in 1-A out of their grogginess. Minoru stayed up the night before finishing the final touches to her essay, before emailing it to Eraser-Head and Present Mic. You know what time she finally decided to crawl into her bed and fall asleep? A grand old time of three-fifty.

Oh, yes, I think we can all relate to that.

Her dad even knocked on her door, peeked his blonde and skinny head in, and said in a bemused voice: "Look, hun, I know you have this thing for getting assignments earlier than they could be, I have that too. But, goddamnit, go to sleep!"

For which Minoru had replied, "As if you were going to."

"Point taken, Minoru, point taken..." Her dad's head then slunk out, and the door shut with a quiet thud.

She sighed, and adjusted her lamp, then continued typing on her sleek blue laptop. She had wanted it in rose/gold, but her dad insisted that it was too feminine. Oh, that still irked her. (Look, she knew that colors don't have genders, but rose/gold is fucking great, okay Yuuto?)

The pop quiz was surprisingly hard, too. Minoru thought that most in the class would fail, (Denki, Ashido, etc...), and she was right. She had a little struggle with it, but ultimately got a ninety-three percent. And as usual, Yaoyozoru got a pure A-plus. A little grain of normality that she appreciated.

After the pop quiz, during lunch time, Minoru was sitting in the library. It's forbidden to bring lunch into the library for fear of ruining books and making mess so Minoru decided to go without it for today.

She was sitting alone on a couch in the corner of the library, quietly and absentmindedly reading a book. The book was called, "Below the Chocolate Trees", and was created by an Vietnamese-American author named Henna.

"Below the Chocolate Trees" was very interesting. It was about society and economy, and the whole thing revolved around a fictional dystopia, whose lowest people have cause to revolt. There are hierarchy and protestors, and- honestly, Minoru is only half-way through the book so she doesn't know if there's a happy ending or not but she sure hope there is- the whole system and government is so intricately and so delicately weaved that Minoru became an instant fan of the author the moment she read the introduction chapter. (There's an introduction chapter!)

The whole world of BCT, (the book even has a fandom!), felt so real to her, and the characters are so human. There are wants and struggles and scars and relationships that just can't help but make you like you are them. Or at least, that's what Minoru feels, with her whopping amount of empathy.

She reads so many books and UA's library is gigantic. Reading every book in the library would probably take her decades at least, and the thought exhilarates her. Below the Chocolate Trees is the third book she's read from the library, the first being "Moominvalley in November", by Tove Jansson. The last book of the Moomin series, which accounts to nine books in total.

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