Aizawa Encounter (Shocking)

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"!!(DISCLAIMER)!! How they passed the hero exam was different since Deku bit more control of his quirk and Kacchan had a different quirk! So Deku and Uraraka haven't already met!" - koi boi, { yay, this got noticed :') } 

Katsuki stuck to Deku's side like superglue, not that Deku didn't want him there or anything like that. Deku quite enjoyed Katsuki's soft presence, being able to turn around and see him there looking at the school, being awed by it's high glass walls. Katsuki was holding his hand, not letting go and not planning to until they reached their class. They were in the same classroom("Yes, Kacchan! We're in the same class!"). They were so busy looking around that they didn't notice a slight bump in the brick path to the large glass 'H'. Deku tripped over, pulling Katsuki along. 

"You guys should be careful!" a voice came from behind them, they felt her fingertips lightly touch their backs and suddenly, they were floating. The boys looked at the ground, in perfect synchronization. Then, Deku shot his head towards the girl, sparkles in his eyes, notebook and pen suddenly appearing, twirling his body and Katskui in zero gravity to face the girl. 

"Amazing! What's your quirk? How do you activate it? What do you call it?" he bombarded her. Katsuki placed a firm chop on Deku's head, lowering his level a bit. 

"One question at a time! We talked about this!" Katsuki scolded. 

"Heh, sorry..." the boy said sheepishly, rubbing his head. His green hair was in two braids at the side of his head, meeting together to form a messy bun. Proud work done by Katsuki. 

"What's your name?" he asked instead. 

"Uh, Ochako Uraraka!" she said while pressing her fingers together, instantly the boys touched the ground. "And my quirk is Zero Gravity, whatever I touch with my five finger pads, it doesn't have Earth's gravitational pull to it anymore!" she said. Her voice was friendly and casual, they both felt a little more optimistic just by hearing it. Deku was already taking in notes, muttering. Ochako kept explaining her quirk, noticing how Deku was behaving and going along with it. 

"Anyways, we better get to class. Bye!" Ochako said cheerfully, waving goodbye to Deku and Katsuki. The way she ran kind of reminded Katsuki of Masako, but he decided that Ochako's was more naturally pretty. Deku handed Katsuki the notebook. 

}●Aizawa Encounter (Shocking)●{

Deku and Katsuki entered the classroom, examining every nook and cranny of the place. It was a spacious white room with a blue marble floor and ceiling. The opposite wall of the classroom was made out of windows. Students were sitting on the desks and chairs, talking and getting to know eachother. There were some odd pairings out there, a pink skinned girl was talking to a boy with spiky red hair, a blonde boy with a tail was talking to an invisible classmate, and a boy with a raven's head was talking to a black haired girl and a person with earphone jacks at the end of her ears. Deku and Katsuki were an odd pair theirselves. They claimed their desks and started to chat with eachother, Deku seated in the chair behind Katsuki. When suddenly

"YOU SHOULDN'T BE SITTING ON YOUR DESK! IT IS DISRESPECTFUL!" a blue haired boy rebuked to the raven. He had rectangular glasses and engines coming out of his calves. The raven boy just shrugged and nodded, he moved down to his chair and continued talking to his friends. 

"I didn't get your names!" an optimistic voice said. They turned around and saw Ochako and the blue-haired boy. Apparently they were friends. 

"My name is Bakugou Katsuki, but you can call me anything you'd like." Katsuki said brightly. 

"Midoriya Izuku, nice to meet you two," Deku said in an amicable voice. "What's your name?" he asked the blue haired boy. 

"I am Iida Tenya, nice to meet you, too." he said formally, holding his hand out. Katsuki shook it. 

"Hey," Katsuki said, sounding curious. "When do you think the teacher's gonna get here?" He glanced at the door. 

"I don't know," Ochako shrugged. "What are your quirks?" At this, Deku brightened up a bit. 

"My quirk is called 'Superpower'. It gives me boosts of super strength, but it destroys my body if I'm not careful." Deku explained. "Kacchan's quirk is Intoxication, he can create a toxic gas from his sweat glands. Kind of like Midnight!" 

"DID I HEAR SOMEONE SAY MIDNIGHT!?" a grape-haired boy shouted from the other side of the classroom. A frog looking girl slapped him. Then they heard a knock come from the door. Ochako hurried over and opened it, seeing nothing. But a giant yellow caterpillar on the ground! 

"What!! Is this the teacher!?" Ochako exclaimed. The class quickly hurried to the doorframe, wanting to see a glimpse of the 'teacher'. A low groan emitted from the it, and the caterpillar's belly started to open up. The class backed away from the doorframe. A scraggly looking man emerged from it's womb, he had messy black hair, onyx eyes, and a weird looking scarf that strangely looked like bandages. 

"What are you staring at?" he asked, sounding exhausted. "Go hurry to your seats." The class scurried to their desks and sat down. He got out a vitamin drink from his pocket and drained it in one suck. He sighed and threw the caterpillar skin, wait- sleeping bag. Onto the ground next to the teacher's desk. He stood behind the desk and said, 

"Hello, I'm Aizawa Shouta. Your teacher for Hero Studies." he grumbled, looking like he didn't want to be there. "Now move to the field, it's time for Quirk Apprehension Tests." 

Wow, this is getting noticed and wow. I am so happy. Also, please leave comments! Ideas, criticism, funny comments, etc, are welcomed and wanted! 

word count (according to google docs) (☞゚ヮ゚)☞: 994

(sorry, not even 1000, 😞)

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