Mitsuki Watanabe

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Mitsuki Watanabe was born in a poor family. She was always bullied for being a 'street rat' and having a 'shit-face'. When her family took her to a quirk specialist, for free since he was a family friend, she was hoping for a quirk that would help her family financially. When the specialist explained her quirk, she cried with frustration. She could emit a perfume from her skin that would make her look young. 

"THAT'S USELESS TO ME!" she wailed. The specialist tried to calm her down to no avail, strangely her family didn't try to stop her tears, they just sat and stared. 

"Um," the specialist dumbly said. "OH! I know! You could become a famous model and be rich!" Mitsuki shook her head and told the specialist that nobody thought she was beautiful now, how could they think she would be beautiful when she grows up? 

Mitsuki was the only child of her family, her father and mother worked their skin away at a cheap restaurant. Their shift started at 6:00 AM and ended at 9:00 PM, and they were there every day. They didn't think that their five year old daughter had to be taken care of! No, no, no! So they left her all alone at their filthy apartment to take care of herself. As she grew older, she started to take on more responsibilities, like cleaning the apartment, cooking dinner, cooking breakfast, cooking lunch. Folding and washing the clothes, taking out the trash, sending checks to the landlord for rent, in the 5th grade she started to sew and mend clothes for her family. 
She became deft with the needle and opened up her own little school shop for repairing clothes. A small rip was 100 yen, a big rip was 500 yen, and torn pieces were 700 yen. She would also make dolls clothing for 1500 yen. She kept the money under a loose board in her room. One day, when her mother was thrifting Mitsuki's room for any spare change, she tripped over the loose board and found 14500 yen. She was furious. She ran outside where Mitsuki was taking out the trash and dragged her by the ear into the living room. 

"WHAT IS THIS!?" She shook the money in a wrinkled fist. Mitsuki dug her fingernails into her palms. "Those are my savings, you old hag." 
Her mother's face became red with anger, she reeled her hand back and struck against Mitsuki's face. "YOU ARE REDUCED TO A WRITHING STREET WRENCH! BEGGING YOUR SCHOOL FRIENDS FOR MONEY!? EVEN I WASN'T THAT SELFISH!" 
That's when Mitsuki's father entered the room. He took one look at Mitsuki's face and scowled. 
"What did she do this time?" 

"LOOK!" she thrusted the money towards the father. "THE BRAT'S BEEN STEALING FROM US!" 
Mitsuki's eyes widened, that was her earned money. It wasn't stolen, her mom is lying. The father clenched his fists and landed a hard blow on Mitsuki's skull. He grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and dragged her into the room, seeing the missing board with coins scattered around it made him even angrier. He ordered her to go lie face first on her bed, she complied. The father pulled back her shirt and whipped her back with a belt. One time, two times, three times, and soon her back was bloodied and bruised and covered with thick welts. 

Now Mitsuki is in high school, taking design classes, and on the path to being a model. In the second year of high school, there's a new student named Masaru Bakugou. He had spiky brown hair and down-turned raindrop eyes. He was also taking design classes as he wanted to become a fashion designer.
Mitsuki and Masaru met on November 29, Masaru's uniform sleeve was dangling onto the torso by a mere thread, and he's heard of how good Mitsuki was with the needle. He got the uniform back a day later, and he's found that not only the sleeve was fixed, but all the other holes were also mended as well. 
They started to hang out and soon enough, Masaru confessed and they started dating. They were both happy with each other loved each other to the moon and back. 

After high school, Mitsuki moved out of her parent's apartment and moved in with Masaru at the prestigious college in Tokyo. With the power of scholarships, both Mitsuki and Masaru didn't have to pay a cent of debt. After college, they moved back to Musutafu. Fast forward 3 years later, our sweet boy Katsuki was born. Mitsuki is a well-known model and her husband is a talented fashion designer. They live in an apartment above their fashion shop and things are good. 


Masaru got in an accident when Katsuki was 6 years old. 

He's at the hospital, recovering, going in an on-and-off coma. His quirk genes malfunctioned and now he's vulnerable to his acid sweat. He has to stay at the hospital because he keeps getting burned by his quirk. 

Mitsuki is broken without him. 

well, haiiiii. so nice to see you after such a long time of hiatus! 

Word Count (according to wattpad)(☞゚ヮ゚)☞: 934

this is the background on mitsuki's past! 

Fun Fact! :D  = 

The cheap restaurant the Watanabe couple worked in got demolished due to it's horrible sanitary, and the land got sold to a purple-eyed lady named, Isabella! She is one of the baristas of the place, and the manager. 

Katsuki in this universe still loves spicy foods, just as the Katsuki in the canon show.

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