A Glimpse Into the Life of ' Villainy '

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"Did you know that hearing is the last thing to die when you're dying? The last thing you hear can be your family crying you're dead." 

"Ha, how depressing!" 

A blonde girl giggled and swung her feet over the school roof. She was wearing a magenta sleeveless crop top, black shorts, and fishnet leggings. Her feet were barefoot, her pink slip-ons were sitting next to her and one of them was knocked over. 
Her hair was messily tied into two buns, and her leering, giggling face was enough to make you get the chills. Her eyes were a blazing vermillion with slits for pupils, her slit-pupils were widened so she could see in the night. She had night vision. 

Her friend had light cyan hair, the front was pulled back and tied with a bracelet, the same color as his hair. He was wearing a dark green coat and magenta boots, his long black yoga pants showed off his thin, muscular legs. His hands were stuffed into his coat pockets, his eyes were dull and opaque. His face seemed painfully crusty and dry and he had an intimidating scar running down his right eye. 

Villains, they were called. 

Which is true! They harm people, they murder people, they steal money from high-security banks, but they won't double-cross you. The blonde drank people's blood to turn into them, and the crusty-faced boy turned anything to dust if he touched it with five fingers. 

The place they're on the roof of was called Aldera Junior High, the blonde's brother went here so she's visiting it to pay respects (she broke into the school, she broke a window). Her brother is dead. Her friend went along since she begged loudly and persistently, so far he's enjoying the trip. 
Their names are Himiko Toga and Tomura Shigaraki, they both changed their names into the titles I just gave you. They're part of a trio, a squad, and their third member is staying home which is at an abandoned apartment. The third member's name is Dabi.
Dabi what?

"I know an even more depressing fact," Tomura sighed. 

"Oh? And what is that?" Himiko giggled loudly, Himiko is a sadist. 

"There's a whale out there that's been calling for a mate for the past 30 years. But it's frequency isn't used by other whales so they're never gonna find a mate."

"Oh." Toga said, she liked harming people, but she didn't like harming animals. Especially sea creatures, the ocean is her favorite thing. She shoved Tomura's leg, causing him to shuffle into the school railing. "You shouldn't have told me that!" she whined. "That's too depressing!" 

Tomura nodded in agreement. 

"We should head back, Mom might worry about us if we don't go back soon. You know how he gets." 

"Yeahhh!" she said in a monotone drawl. "But can we pick up McDonald's!?" 

Tomura shrugged. 

"Alright, we're back!" Toga burst through the door with two brown bags in each hand, holding them up triumphantly. The bags smelled delicious. Tomura walked through the door holding a box, he was wearing drawing gloves so he didn't disintegrate the box. 

The room was large and vintage. It had vintage cushion chairs, wooden tables (one was missing a leg), and it had a bar at the side. A warpy purple man shook his head sighing. He was wearing a white dress shirt with an ebony vest. His khaki pants looked freshly pressed and cleaned, and he was wearing black dress shoes.
His face was just a black and purple warping triangle, it resembled a purple flame from many different perspectives. His eyes were yellow and glowing, and an iron brace was locked around his neck. He was the first Nomu created, and unlike all the other Nomus, he was sentient. He had emotions, and he had a brain. He was nick-named 'Mom' from Toga, and everyone in their apartment started calling him that too. Jin, Kenji, Mustard, Shuichi, Tomura, Toga, Dabi, and Kurogiri. Those are all members of the League of Villains. And also people who all call Kurogiri 'Mom', minus Kurogiri. 
There were also Moonfish and Muscular, but those two rarely ever left their rooms. 

Everyone was wearing pajamas, Mustard was wearing an interesting cat wunzie. 
Mustard had light brown messy and long hair, his brown deep eyes stared at the bags in Toga's hands. He was wearing black yoga pants and a dark green t-shirt.
Kenji had a muscular and large body, she was wearing felty blue pajama pants, and a white t-shirt. She had chin-length reddish hair, and thick pink lips, small wisps of facial hair clung to her jaw, and sideburns.
Jin had short dirty-blonde hair and grey-ish blue eyes. He had a large scar running down his forehead, he was wearing a black and white mask over his head so you couldn't really see his hair or his facial features. He was wearing a white shirt and navy blue sweatpants.
Shuichi was a lizard-like person with green scales for skin, he had purple hair that stuck up behind his reptilian head. He wore a sky-blue hoodie and grey sweatpants.
Dabi had purple scars etched around his face and arms, silver piercings edged around these scars like patchwork. He was wearing a black tank top and very long light-pink sweatpants. 

Mustard sprang up from his chair and grabbed one of the bags from Toga with an excited grin. He gasped and held a red-cardboard cube with fries plopped down in it up for the whole gang to see. 

"We haven't had Mcdonald's in such a long time!" he grinned. Toga laughed and snatched back the bag with her light coral hands, snickering, she set down the bags on one of the tables. The gang got up and seated themselves around the wooden rectangle. Jin reached for one of the burgers and bit into it. 

"Mmmm! McDonald's never fails to amaze me!" The rest of the squad nodded in agreement and started to eat with much enthusiasm. Kenji swallowed down her fries and asked Toga, "How was the trip?"
Toga shrugged. 
"Me and Tomu didn't really much but chit-chat on the school roof. There, he told me about one of the most saddest animals ever."

Shuichi pointed at himself with a quizzical look. 

"No not you, Shu-chan! It's about a whale, right? Right?" Dabi shrugged his purple burnt shoulders. "There's a whale, and they've been calling for a mate for the last 3 decades! But the frequency they use isn't used by other whales so they have no hope of getting a mate! Doesn't that make you waaaiiil~!?" she drawled on sadly. Everyone but Mustard sadly nodded their heads. Toga shot Mustard a 'what-is-wrong-with-you' glare. 
"Come one, Musty! You're the one wearing the cat PJs!" 

Mustard looked down and sighed. "But the whale's failing love-life isn't my problem." 

Toga gasped and pulled out a knife from out of nowhere. "You masochist!" 

"Really? You're calling me a masochist? When you crush on someone, you literally want to see them bloodied up and bruised!" 
"Get your gun and we'll decide who's gonna win the argument!" 

Kurogiri warped his arm into a barrier between them. "No fighting." He drew his hand back and took away Toga's knife. "Hey! Mom..!" 
Kurogiri shook his head mumbling to himself. "Where in hell do you keep all those knives?" 
"In my ass!" 

Everyone burst out laughing, well, everyone but Kurogiri. Who was shaking his head and dropping the knife into his arm, where a clink came from the kitchen sink. 

hello, my dear readers! i hope you liked the glimpse into the league of villain's life! this was a very fun chapter to write, and there's probably gonna be more of these small breakscenes. 

Words (according to wattpad)(☞゚ヮ゚)☞: 1343

Fun Fact! :D = 
Since the author is sooo lazy, she's gonna make Enji try to be a better dad a bit more earlier in the series. Like. Before training camp he will have a big off-screen talk with his family, since he actually really does care about them. Just a heads-up for any strange behavior from this universe's Shouto. . . 

(discontinued :(.... Strawberry Hair - Dekubaku Fanfic - BNHAKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat