12. Milk

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Steve's POV

"What are you guys doing?" I ask looking at my boyfriend and my friend as though they'll actually tell me.


"Well you see..."

"I'm waiting," I say.  Surely one of them will end up breaking soon, Bucky annoys Sam just as much as Sam annoys him.

Sam breaks first.  "He's trying to use up all the milk so I can't have any for my cereal!"

"I wanted something to drink!" Bucky protests.

"Well you should've found something other than my milk to drink!" Sam snaps back.  It's ridiculous that they can't get along better but they refuse to even try.  Well they have said they will in the past, usually when I got really mad at one of them but it doesn't matter because the other won't go with it and they end up arguing again.

"It's not your milk, it's everyone's milk!" Bucky's words drag me back to the argument I walked into.

"But I got it out of the fridge!"

"But it was the last of the milk!" Bucky points out.

"Well too bad.  If you wanted milk you should've gotten some."

"That's what I did."

"Some milk that wasn't already claimed.  Why don't you run off and get some now?"

"Because I've got milk right now."

"Why don't you just split the milk?" I suggest and receive twin looks of disgust.

Bucky decides to try and explain when he sees I really don't get why they're acting like that.  "There isn't enough for both of us."

"Which is why he should give it to me because I claimed that milk!"

"You weren't touching it when I came in."

"Because I was grabbing the cereal!"

"Too bad for you." Bucky says with a shrug.

"Just give up," Natasha suggests.  "Morning boys, try not to burn the tower down."

"I won't, but I can't promise he won't." Sam says and Bucky scowls at him.

"Relax, I'm not obsessed with birds, I won't destroy the place."  at that Natasha cracks a small smile, probably thinking of the last stupid thing Clint did.  I don't know for sure if that's what she's thinking about but she does seem to like the jokes about idiotic birds mroe than others, and Clint does have a similar connection.  Bucky realized and has been using it to his advantage.  Sam has tried to use the way Bucky's got a metal arm and Tony has a metal suit as a way to make Bucky look arrogant, but it didn't work and he gave it up after a few days.

"Birds rarely destroy things," Clint says as he drips out of the vents, scowling.  "You blocked my path!"

"Did you really expect me to play fair when that would give you the advantage?" Natasha says, unperturbed.  "This way I won."

"You cheated."

"But I won, and the results are all that matters in the end."

"Not always, there are some lines you don't cross."

Natasha looks down and agrees, but refuses to concede the argument.  "But this wasn't one of those lines!"

"Everyone starts out small.  One day you're blocking my path, the next you're blowing it up!"

"You're the one with exploding arrows."

"That's...that's different!" Clint splutters.

"Yeah.  arrows are a weapon, a sheet is not."

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